F-Secure Network Installer reports no internet connection

i had some problems with the update function of my F-Secure Internet Security. It did not download updates for the virus definitions and always told me that my definitions are not up to date while pushing the manual download function didn´t work. I deinstalled it and now i´m trying to reinstall via the Network Installer that tells me i´am not connected to the internet, what is obviously not the case.
Thank you ...
I'm also only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
Based on points that your F-Secure Internet Security installation was with troubles around network connectivity to F-Secure servers(?) and then F-Secure Network installer with some troubles:
-> does your system with any other security third-party software? Or third-party firewalls?
-> do you use proxy?Just as potential ask:
- what is your OS/platform?
- does "not connected to the internet" is happened after launch installer? Or after some seconds/minutes of work?
- does it possible to run third-party scanner (like from Malwarebytes or so) or F-Secure Online Scanner (https://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/online-scanner) as brief try to check system against active malicious items?
Hi @Scripti
In addition to @Ukko suggestion, you may want to check the system requirements for installing F-Secure Internet Security/Safe in the below link.
It might be worth trying the F-Secure Uninstallation Tool which should uninstall F-Secure products completely, then you can attempt the reinstall again.
thank you for quick answering. Iam not using any other Firewall or Internet Security Software except F-Secure. My Internet connection is realized by WLAN -> Router (FritzBox) Connection. OS: Win10.
Regarding the not connected message: Iam online in the moment the installer tells me that. I can surf the internet parallely while the installer tells me there is not internet connection.
I will try uninstallation tool and check out the scanner.