F-secure memory usage

Hi all,
F-secure SAFE through XS4ALL (fshoster64.exe) is pulling quite a bit of RAM... 290k at the moment, but earlier (while I had firefox open with many tabs, but all inactive) 600k. After closing firefox, it went from ~600k down to 290k. Is this normal memory usage for f-secure?
Does Gaming mode help? I noticed lag during gaming, hence my investigation.
Kind regards,
Someone a bit new to f-secure
Sorry for my reply. I'm only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
I think that this is not normal - but there may be reasons for such situation.
290k at the moment, but earlier (while I had firefox open with many tabs, but all inactive) 600k
After try to search with Google about "600k RAM" -> pretty many topics about Firefox own usage such count. Maybe F-Secure process will 'eating' it after Firefox (as part of security hooks or so; including analysis for any scripts, flash-content or any other things under websites; or even potential scanning against malicious addons or extensions).
Otherwise, 290 000 Mb is not normal for F-Secure process during 'idle' (probably). There was discussions about performance troubles and resources usage (CPU, disk, RAM). If your experience is about Windows 10 -> good to try restart system (not shutdown/turn on -> but restart) as it suggested with next topic:
And doublecheck that any things like scheduled things were not launched.
There some official words about design for F-Secure Business solution (but some parts should be valid for home solutions too):
And, for example, some of recent discussions about related (performance) subject:
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/F-Secure-Host-Process-high-CPU/td-p/104032
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/F-Secure-Ultralight-Hoster-slows/td-p/106541
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/The-Ultralight-hoster-taking-up/td-p/109000
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/Memory-and-ECU-resource-usage-at/td-p/108390
So, if some of suggestions will be not useful (potential incompatibility with another software; state after restart system; updating or scanning process is not triggered; reinstallation for F-Secure solution) -> good to contact F-Secure Official Channels (chat as example) for proper investigation with potential logs or certified analysis:
Does Gaming mode help?
I think that Gaming mode should help. At least, with certain parts.
I use F-Secure Safe at home
But it's the "SAFE" variant since that's the one my provider bought in bulk.
Thank you for your reply, Ukko!
Firefox was blobbing hard as hell, I'm sure - 2g RAM usage.
This is using windows 7.
Gaming mode did not reduce the RAM usage.
Interestingly, in contrast to other topics CPU usage of fshoster64.exe is <01%...
No scheduled tasks were active.
I use F-Secure Safe at home
But it's the "SAFE" variant since that's the one my provider bought in bulk.
Usually such solution may be with partly outdated build (compared to 'stable' direct F-Secure SAFE); or with some differences.
There was some topics about potential 'internal F-Secure troubles":
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/F-Secure-Host-process-32-bit-bug/m-p/104928
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/F-Secure-browsing-protection-on/m-p/104468
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/fshoster64-exe-eating-a-lot-of/td-p/98712
with potential further fixes for F-Secure SAFE (also with recent 'patch-fix' - where was example of internal troubles with critical security impact under certain requirements of exploitation).
Maybe it is possible to ask your provider - if their package is most 'up-to-date' available one. Otherwise what if your experience is about already fixed trouble.
But just interesting -> after restart your Windows 7 -> does fshoster64 with normal RAM usage or with noted strange count from first (when Firefox is not launched or any other 'additional' software)?