Aquarius ultralight background updater, thing

Sorry for my reply. I'm only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
I think that your feedback is pretty valid and there possible to ask some improvements - but my own feelings are that "Updating" with some internal tweaks and performance tricks already; but maybe with not enough view. Because, for example,
checking upon start-up, the fact that aquarius then runs in and steals the show (and HD usage), is really frustrating when in a hurry
valid for me too.
I do use some of next tricks things (when I need to use system from first and do suspect that there may be delays based on updating):
-> launch system with disabled network (at first) and then if I need to use system with online state:
-> turn on "Gaming mode" (rightclick for F-Secure tray picture when UI process is loaded and choose under menu related string).
-> do not use 'manual' buttons for "Check updates" (because it will trigger 'autoupdating' much more speedy and with potentially large count of updates).
Just like an addition - there was discussion under 'Business board' about F-Secure business solutions (but some parts are valid for home solutions too):