Microsoft updates KB2999226
my wifes Laptop Toshiba. New updates last week 24/05/2018 removed a number of programs including Fsecure safe. when I go to Fsecure and start reloading the safe a message appears cant finish instalation update "KB2999226 is missing download this update. I go to microsoft and start to download KB2999226 and a message…
F-Secure SAFE Family Rules notifications on Android
F-Secure SAFE Family Rules is NOT a new feature anymore, nor do I have any need for it, so it would be rather nice if you didn't tell me about it in a notification every single time SAFE is updated. Thanks.
[Mobile Security] Scanning never ends
Android 6.0.1 on Lenovo Tab TB-8703F F-Secure Mobile Security Version 17.3.00139110 FS_GP, Scanner-Build 1.3.241700 On starting a scan files are scanned and after a long time scanning stops on the 2'563th file and it says below, that the scanning of the file "host_driver_logs_cur..." takes some time. I was waiting now for…
DeepGuard blocks python.exe
This morning I created a new Conda environment for the latest version of Python 2.7, using the MiniConda3 package manager (updated to the latest version). While using this Python version, I got the following warning from F-Secure SAFE: Application was blocked from accessing your files: "python.exe" Reason:…
100% CPU usage after recent update.
Basically, after updating to 1803 build, program called "Host Process" have started to use extremely amounts of my CPU, combined with rest of the programs, CPU usage often reaches 90-100% which makes my computer slow, restarted the PC always solves this problem. I've already tried to reinstall F-secure, but it still keep…
"Excluded" from what? => change to BLOCK and ALLOW
Hello. I just got an F-Secure alert saying that some shady file in my temp folder was behaving like a virus (I was reading a global newspaper online on their website). So I was prompted something along the lines of "Do you want to exclude this..." to which I replied - YES, exclude the thing from everything!! - but now I…
Firefox and I.E very slow
Both Firefox and I.E take several minutes to change web pages. Did several broadband speed tests, all come back as 70mbps or above. Help!!!
Can't buy for iphone.
I tried 13 times to purchase for my son's iPhone but it kept giving me errors and telling me to contact iTunes. I did, and they said I had to go through F-Secure - but no chat and no one answering phone. So, I signed out, deleted the app, and tried again. This time when signing in they said it could not be installed…
Banking protection does not turn on
When I start a session with my bank account with Bank Austria, the banking protection does not come on. How can I add this bank to get the banking protection to automatically turn on. Thanks.
Cannot unlock blocked website after latest update
Since of today I cannot unlock the following website: http://www.livefootballol.me/live-football-streaming.html After the latest update I could unlock other blocked websites but not that one. Not feeling safe to use a programme that decides what I visit and don't visit and what next, blocking political websites decided by…
Internet Security Ihr Computer ist nicht geschützt
Hallo, Bekomme jetzt schon seit einiger Zeit immer wieder die Meldung: Ihr Computer ist nicht geschützt. Fehler beim Schutz.Starten Sie Ihren Computer neu. Unter Tools / Updates wird angezeigt das mehrere Updates nicht installiert wurden mit der Meldung Fehlgeschlagen. Sind für eine Sicherheits - Software nicht gerade…
F-Secure Total: Case closed without providing solutions
I was absent due to illness and was not able to reply sooner. My case was closed without providing a solution to my problem: I purchased TOTAL for 3 devices, but it works only on one after a while. Initially it worked on all 3, but since end of March only on one. I asked several times for help, only once there was a chat.…
Help Identify If My License Acquistion Is A Fraud.
Hi, An honor to join F-Secure family. I just bought a license from a local re-seller (Titan Store, TW) online with F-Secure Total, one year for 7 devices for about 30-some USD. The terms said that the code should only be used with their uploaded installer, however I could not install it by numerous mouse clicks. The error…
Blocked sites authorised thru windows 10
Hi I have recently had to switch back to IE from using Mozilla Firefox. Something funny is happening... for most of the sites my son gets a message that is not allowed. Nothing particular. When I allow it in Fsecure on allowed tab it wont unblock unless I authorise it throus my Microsoft account (email sent thru email) Any…
Time limit on Android device
F-Secure SAFE time limits have been functioning all good up until now. Even though nobody is using the phone, SAFE says the time limit is up. How could I troubleshoot this problem?
about forgot / recover lost login e-mail * solved with chat support.
i want recover my other account login e-mail . im have unique id and license key for total protection.but chat support unavailable. so how can i recover forgot login id ? solved with f-secure chat support thanks.
F-secure safe cant be install, error message - already installed.
According to control center there isnt any F-secure installed. However I tried to install F-secure free for 30 days, but the installation was immidiately broken and couldnt be used. Instead I used Norton for 30 days without any problems with the installation and later on the uninstall of the Norton program, done because I…
Blank/white installation screen
I trying to install my F-Secure safe on my Windows 10 system..But when the installer appears, its empty. Just blank or white screen? I have tried installation in windows safe mode. I have tried installation as administrator.. Nothing happens, just blank/white screen.. never had that problem in windows 8.1 What could be the…
Got a new subscribtion, wants me to buy another one!?
Just bought myself a new ONE YEAR subscibtion today.... And it seems to be ending today as well.... Please fix this. Im not going to pay for a complete license with the cost of 80+ dollars and just have it for one day..
What are F-Secure’s risks miltigation actions regarding trackers and fingerprinting issues?
I was shock after performing a scan of F-Secure SAFE browser (FSS browser) via https://panopticlick.eff.org/ The FSS browser did not blocked: - Tracking ads - Invisible trackers - “Does your browser unblock 3rd parties that promise to honor DO NOT TRACK?” - “Does your browser protect from fingerprinting?” What are…
mobile securuty for android
hi my device is samsung galaxy s6 antivirus scanner didnt work. its work for long time but didnt progress.
I cannot pay my fsecure and product expired no chat available
I did try to buy this product, but my computer crashed during the time i was about to pay the transaction and before i did get the payment finished. Now i have no idea where I should pay in order to get the product working (no bank account numeber in the payment details which I can find on my own page. I have not gotten…
I med to take avay all skit om Google och brome och de åtkomst till mina konton... jag e teknisk men detta får jag fan inte bort... är väldigt akut Hälsning Jessica Mains
False / Positiv
Hi, how can we unblock our url from the f-secure system? Somebody reported us and we have currently issues with some of our customers
F-Secure and android device
Hello Last weekend I tested deeply the soft and I do not have such positive opinions on this subject. I noticed that when adding a device I need to determine if the device is mine or my child. If I choose a child, parental control is activated. In this case, I do not have any options to block unwanted calls. If, on the…
Does it scan all the time on mobile phone
Do it say scanning all the time on mobile phone
F Secure Total installed on Windows PC, unable to protect my Smart phone and Tablet
I have 2 spare licenses, but when I try and use these on my Smart Phone or Tablet, I am directed to the google appstore but the Apps are not compatable with my smart phone or tablet. please advise???
Cannot login on the F-secure webpage to renew subscription
Does anybody has the same problem? When I try to login with the correct name and password, the login process starts but does not come to the end. I am using Firefox, version 59 as a browser.
[Complain!] F-Secure Mobile Security just only can use 30 days
Hi, kindly ask why my F-Secure Mobile Security just only use 30 day? I was buy that products from 2018/03/19 and i should be can use for 6 months does since when i upgrade to android 8 version after at 2018/04/28 . and i cant found yours email address PLEASE DEAL THAT ISSUES !
I want to avoid being auto renewed
I have a trial of Fsecure safe and I’m getting a message saying my sub will expire in 2 days. I’m sure I didn’t add the auto renew feature but I’m seeing many people saying they got charged anyway. I’m trying to make sure my subscription is cancelled and that it doesn’t auto renew but no where in account settings or order…