Browsing Protection issue with Microsoft Edge
Hi Effectiveness of F-Secure SAFE Microsoft Edge I am informed via warning screen that My Window 10 as been compromised and the anti-virus software is ineffectual. With Google there is no problem. Don't understand why this is'nt picked up with F-Secure!
Help! Charter Security Suite Uninstalled Itself?
The other day my Charter Security Suite did some kind of critical update, told me to restart my computer and I did. Upon rebooting I noticed the icon for it in the Windows 10 start button was gone. The icon for it under "show hidden icons" on the task bar was still there, however clicking on it did nothing. I then got a…
Problem ?Exploit? with mobile security
Severalt apps are blocked with mobile Security. Apps can be accessed by hitting the "allow" button several times and after that hitting the "forgot pw" button. All blocked Apps can be accessed after that without any restriction. This was discovered by my 11 Year old son within a Huawai P-Smart 2018 /Emui 8.0/ Android 8.0.…
REALLY delete website settings in Safe Browser on Android
Safe Browser DOES NOT delete the local storage of data made by websites. Via Settings - Advanced - Website Settings. I see storage by dozens of websites. Deleting an entry does not work. Deleting everything does not work. Entries are still there. Someone can perhaps explain what is going on, which can't possibly be a good…
key is not working
I purchase fsecure on line and installed on my PC few months ago. because of some malfunctioning of PC i format my PC and tried to install fsecure. but it message that the key is wrong. Please send me the solution. XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX Edited: PII removed
green or blue check mark
What is the difference between the green and the blue check mark by a website in the Google browser? Or... why do I see a blue check mark by my own website in Google (others sites are green)?
How my website impact if browsing is not safe?
Hi, My website indiaflowermall.com that checked with google safe browsing tool its show "No unsafe content found"what impact of harm if they show another message? how I can make my website safer any advise welcome.
How can I create an exception for a certain software (exe) in F-Secure SAFE?
Hello, I use memoQ, a local computer-aided translation environment, which connects to a cloud server for synchronization. This synching process is very slow, which the software supplier says is caused by F-Secure. He recommended finding out where I can add the memoq.exe in F-Secure as an exception for real-time-scanning.…
protection malfunction
Hi sir, Today I installed f-secure safe antivirus 2nd time in my pc after 5 min the error occur " protection malfunction . please restart pc " .I had restarted my pc atleast 5 times but the result is same . I got same error again and again so please help me as soon as posible
Entering bmwusa.com activates banking protection
This is a false positive that needs to get fixed. Thanks
Safe and banking protection with Firefox 64 bits
Hello, I wonder if the problem of no bank protection on Mozilla Firefox (67.0, 64 bits) is not related to the fact that the F-Secure extension was enabled. Because F-Secure is only in 32 bits. Since the reinstallation of F-Secure, I have not reactivated the extension for Firefox, and bank protection works. Just an…
F-Secure IS subscription oscillates between valid and expired state on computers.
Dear F-Secure, Several hungarian customers complain today that their "F-Secure Internet Security" subscriptions frequently "oscillate" between valid and expired state on the computers. Even if they re-enter a 5x4 character keycode that should be good until mid-2020 and it is accepted, the status soon changes back to a red…
kids protection
Hi - I've just got this through Virgin and I'm unclear if the kids protetion does anything besides provide a custom browser that can be content- and time-limited? in which case the time restrictions, bedtime, etc would only apply to using the F-Safe browser? which....is pretty useless if that's the case?!
F-Secure Safe and F-Secure Anti-Virus
Can someone tell me what's the deffent between F-Secure Safe and F-Secure Anti-Virus?
Forgotten My F-Secure login details
I have forgotten both my email and password for my F-Secure login. Please can you help me with this?
Unit Says no License Available - was previously protected
I have a Samsung S7 that has been under my SAFE license protection and today it is saying no license available. It show up on my browser (main computer) as not having connected in the last two weeks. And yet, the drop down on the smartphone (from the top) says "Your device is connected". thanks Update. So it (SAFE on my…
F-Secure shell extension (context menu handler) crashing win10 on right-clicking anything
In the last 24 hours my win10 started crashing on right-clicking literally anything (files, folders) and I traced the problem to the F-Secure context menu handler with ShellExView. Which is to say, after first disabling all menu handlers and re-enabling them one by one and restarting explorer F-Secure was the only one…
Enrolled against my will in trialing heaven knows what by visiting "My F-Secure".
I read in the forum that "My F-Fecure" is something from which I can manage my subscriptions. I have Mobile Security and Freedome, purchased separately. I visited the page today. I didn't enroll in anything. I found I already had valid login credentials in my browser. After logging in, I saw the following cryptic notice:…
F-Secure Safe Browser Website Settings clear doesn't clear the names of the visited websites
Why one can only delete website data and location permissions from Safe Browser on Android? After running the following steps, Safe Browser only deletes website data and location permissions but it still keeps a list of the web pages visited: Safe Browser -> Settings -> Advanced -> Website Settings -> Clear all -> Delete…
How to get rid of Driver Tonic program?
Hi, I'm struggling to get rid of Driver Tonic program. I know it's not an actual virus but irritating it is and cannot get it uninstalled from programs as I am "not administrator" even as I am.
Hi F-secure friends, The CppShellExtContextMenuHandler.FileContextMenuExt Class is causing Windows 10 file explorer to crah. I've disabled it, using ShellExiew. But is there a fix? Thanks! F.
Problem with shell extension after 17.6 update
After installing 17.6 (4.10.2187.0/SAFE) update from Elisa (Elisa Turvapaketti) this week I started to get strange issues like: - Directory Opus file manager crashes when double clicking video files, DO resports issue to be in FsShellExtension64.dll - Start menu (right click) Computer Management and many other tools don't…
Mouse right click restarts File Explorer in Windows 10
A poorly coded Context Menu handler might cause this symptom. I studied this item and found extension called CppShellExtContextMenuHandler.FileContextMenuExt Class, which is related to Context Menu. This is part of Anti Virus Shell Extension Plug-in. Product is F-Secure Computer Security GUI. When I disable following dll:…
F-Secure SAFE licence re-use across multiple OS Partitions?
I bought F-Secure SAFE yesterday and the licence terms make it very clear the licence is per device, not per OS install on that device. Norton permits licence keys to be re-used on the same PC across multiple OS partitions because its still the same hardware / mobo ID that the licence is registered against. I was expecting…
Can not connect to BANKID
Hello! I have a big problem, it started yesterday, 2019-05-20. It have worked fine for many years.. now all of a sudden I cant connect to my Bank using the swedish BankID. The safe surf have begun to block it for some reason?? I even put the banks adress in the trusted sites list but the Bankid program still gets blocked.…
Previous F-Secure activate F-Secure Anti-Virus code email has been lost Subscription end June 2019
Please can you help me, I have lost my previous for my F-Secure activate F-Secure Anti-Virus code email which is for my F-Secre Safe Anti virus (paid for) security software which was due to expire in June 2019. Thank you
How do I change My F-Secure account login email address? First e-mail is test version now I have b
Anmeldung nicht möglich Dieses Gerät gehört bereits zu einer anderen My F-Secure-Gruppe. Um sich mit diesem Gerät anzumelden, müssen Sie ein Konto verwenden, das zu derselben Gruppe gehört. Wenn Sie dieses Problem nicht lösen können, kontaktieren Sie bitte den Support. Fügen Sie diesen Code in Ihre Support-Anfrage ein, um…
How do I change my subscription options?
Why can I not find and select Subscription in the top bar when logged in to My F-secure? Below is the how F-secure describe the procedure. * Log in to My F-Secure. * On the My F-Secure page, select Subscription in the top bar. * Under Current subscription, select Cancel your subscription.
F-secure Safe Desktop shortcut and Icon gone missing
Hello, the F-Secure Safe desktop shortcut and Icon have gone missing from my Windows 10 PC. I checked services and Safe is running, and the program files folder is there. I am unable to find the executable file to re-create the shortcut and so am unable to run a Scan. thanks for any help
Unable to install F-Secure Internet Security on Windows 10 home and enterprise editions
hi I'm unable to install F-Secure Internet Security on windows 10 enterprise and home editions.it says operating system is not supported. Thanks