Browsing Protection issue with Microsoft Edge

I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
So, sounds that your experience is about rogue / fake advertisements. Or malicious try to trick you, for example. Also, quite popular thing is "fake AV".
Thus, does it happened with Microsoft Edge only on certain website? Or even after launch with empty tabs / home page (?!).
The reason of such notification and difference between browsers are different settings, perhaps. For example, if Microsoft Edge is not configured to prevent strange advertisements, scripts or so.
If your experience is about certain webpage or website where such notification is appeared - then it is possible to transfer URL for analysis:
Since, if it is not pinned to "hacked" advertisement network - then page is suspicious itself.
If notification is expected for this kind of website, then script or other trigger is suspicious and could be rated as such.
More information about different "fake" notifications and practically "fake" compromised system. One example is
Another examples are fake AVs :
All of these, probably, scam and rogue activity. Usually, it was about software. But, as with provided description "Trojan_js_cryxos" - such thing is possible to perform by scripts on the web (with this part where information about "trouble with system").
Since my iniitial query concerning Microsoft Edge I am now unable to access it has I am informed by a warning that the issue is known to Microsoft.
All I have now if trying to log into Microsoft Edge is a red warning screen advising me of the consequences of this site.
My original concern as to how this could have happened without the F-Secure Anti-Virus/Firewall being aware of this developing problem still concerns me obviously about the effectiveness of their system
Kind regards
All I have now if trying to log into Microsoft Edge is a red warning screen advising me of the consequences of this site.
So, maybe your experience is about Smart Screen.
Only unclear for me - did you mean "log into Microsoft Edge" (as account for browser) will trigger such a screen? Or just login into something else by using Microsoft Edge?
Sounds, that SmartScreen notification can be about phishing page.
All in all, some suspicious or harmful pages are known for Microsoft exclusively or better than to other companies. But, usually, such information is common for most of companies.
And, in addition, F-Secure Browsing Protection with abilities to block harmful websites that are unknown for SmartScreen.
There is a place "F-Secure SAS":
it is an ability to inform F-Secure Labs about "unknown" suspicious pages.
Or about wrong categorization for a certain website.
Sorry for the the confusion,
The red screen/warning I referenced is when I open Microsoft Edge in browser account.
I have now disabled all icons from the home page and task bar.
I am still very disapointed in the F-Secure system that clearly wasn't aware of this developing problem and I know have a browser I am unable to use.
Not happy at all
Kind regards
Thanks for your feedback. And sorry for my unclear suggestions or wording during try to figure out your certain situation.
First of all, since I do not use Microsoft Edge functionality about "Microsoft Account" - it is a bit unclear for me what can be wrong there.
Furthermore, entire troublestate is not enough clear for me. But just because there is a connection with "F-Secure" - I do able to recommend to contact their official Support Channels (chat, for example):
Perhaps, Support Agents with more experience and abilities to check situation and to provide solution or suggestion.
Then, my own feelings were about potential tricky addon / extension or suspicious software under system. That works as "potentially unwanted application" or "scareware" / "adware". OR hacked / malicious website with fake advertisements or offers. Kind of rogue, scam or phishing.
After your second reply - I thought that, maybe, trouble is detected page by Microsoft SmartScreen. Thus, page is blocked / rejected by Microsoft Edge - but not blocked under Google Chrome OR page is not blocked by F-Secure Browsing Protection. Explanation was that page is unknown to F-Secure or maybe it is false positive (of Microsoft SmartScreen database).
But your recent reply is about something else. At least, sounds too suspicious. Thus, for proper recommendation or suggestion - good to know more information. This is why I think that official Support Channel is most suitable step for further investigation:
In addition, maybe other more experienced users will suggest something good here under Community.
// another an explanation about potential point for Microsoft SmartScreen:
Microsoft Edge is not supported by F-Secure Browsing Protection extension / addon (on current time).
Thus, if page is rated as harmful or suspicious and user tried to access it through HTTPS (secure http) - then connection is rejected / page is denied. But such "blocked" action does not trigger "F-Secure" blockpage as with Google Chrome (as supported browser).
If this harmful-rated page is known for SmartScreen (Windows Microsoft) - then Microsoft Edge should show such a notification page about. With another browser - page is not visible since of F-Secure own blockpage.
It is possible to feel it by using AMTSO (Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organizatio) checks: