Internet Banking problems

Mugo Posts: 4 New Member

F-secure seems to have got rid of the possibility to email support, and given that I work during the day and cannot chat/phone during their limited hours, I am forced to post here.


For ages I have been having problems with the online banking protection of F-secure. It fails to turn off after leaving online banking, fails to turn off even after clicking on "End" and once the bar disappears there is no other way to find the app and switch it off. Now it even just starts in the background when opening the browser (without accessing any online banking sites and without notification), preventing me from accessing internet sites.


I have F-secure SAFE 17.6.


Can anyone help please?


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    I am an F-Secure user.


    Good to know a bit more information:

    - what is your browser (where such situation is exist);

    - what is your OS build;


    // by the way, chat is available on current minute (or can be available):

    Now it even just starts in the background when opening the browser (without accessing any online banking sites and without notification), preventing me from accessing internet sites.

    For except part "withouth notification" - if it is Firefox browser - maybe there are some "opened tabs", "tab with recently visited applications" or so. As a result, Firefox tried to connect (at background) with previously visited websites and connection to banking website is re-/established (at background). Although, such a trouble was fixed (mitigated) with some forms.

    Thus, good to check that F-Secure Browsing Protection addon / extension is enabled.


    But it is strange that Banking Protection is activated without notification. Could you try with any other browser and check whether is banner / notification visible or not.

    It fails to turn off after leaving online banking, fails to turn off even after clicking on "End" and once the bar disappears there is no other way to find the app and switch it off.

    So, if your experience is about:

    - tab with Banking website is closed;

    - "End" button under Banking Protection bar is chosen (as recommended there:;


    But banking protection is still active, then, sounds as a trouble that should be troubleshooted with some more logs and Support help.

    And what is your current workaround for such a situation? Restart system?



  • Mugo
    Mugo Posts: 4 New Member

    Thank you.

    1) Firefox and Windows 10 (automatic updates installed)

    2) When started without notification, no banner is visible. I just realise it because I cannot connect to websites

    3) I always click the End button  (several times) but often it remains active despite this. Once the end button is clicked the banner disappears and there is no further way of interacting with banking protection

    4) Normally closing down Firefox and restarting it again solves the problem

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    // edited: a bit late reply.

    under spoiler my suggestions before I found that there is already a reply from F-Secure Team.

    2) When started without notification, no banner is visible. I just realise it because I cannot connect to websites

    I think that if F-Secure Browsing Protection addon is enabled / active - there should be visible blockpage with some words about (for example, that banking session is active).

    If connection to website is just rejected by "generic" browser's page - then, perhaps, there two explanations:

    - F-Secure BP addon is not enabled / started / activated somehow (need to reenable it/ retrigger it manually);

    - Or it is indeed "trouble" with such impact. And need to troubleshoot it more.

     I always click the End button  (several times) but often it remains active despite this. Once the end button is clicked the banner disappears and there is no further way of interacting with banking protection

    Sounds strange (maybe some kind of incompatibility with something).

    But if the banner disappears (after "End") - then there should not be reasons for interacting with banking protection.

    Good to try understand whether it is possible to repeat only with one "opened" tab.


    Anyway, did you manage to reach their Support; chat, for example(?):




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