Santander - protection banner doesn't appear

Billynomates Posts: 3 New Member

When I log in to Santander online banking the protection banner doesn't show as active. It does with my other online account with a different bank. troubleshooting suggests the bank isn't listed but, come on, Santander???. It used to launch OK. Any idea's?


  • Hello @Billynomates 


    It seems working that I did a quick check of Santander Online Banking page in our test enviroment where the latest version of F-secure Safe installed. Could you please try clear you browser's cache and check again? and you can also try check with different browser?





  • Billynomates
    Billynomates Posts: 3 New Member

    Updated Windows 10, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. F Secure banner appears for Cooperative Bank in both browsers but still does not for Santander.

  • Jaims
    Jaims Posts: 846 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hi @Billynomates 


    Using Google Chrome, one of our supported browsers, I searched for "Santander Bank UK" and clicked on one of the result - The banking flyer dropped immediately on the top. Same result for Microsoft Edge and Firefox, no issue with the Banking Protection dropping.

    Try to update and restart your browsers, try other devices and see if its same. Remember to use Safe browser on mobile devices if you wish to run a test on mobile devices. 


    If issue persists, you may want to reinstall SAFE on that machine. 

  • Billynomates
    Billynomates Posts: 3 New Member

    Browsers are up to date. Safe is up to date. works doesn't

    Cooperative bank works.

    It works on my daughters Lenovo Yoga laptop, but not on HP desktop

    Two people told me to update browsers. Think of something else.

  • Jaims
    Jaims Posts: 846 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hi @Billynomates 


    Would you mind contacting our support either via live chat or phone call and allow a remote access into your computer so we could try to isolate the root cause?


    Thank you.

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