F-secure stops using Roblox - "Initialization error 4"
Hi It seems like F-secure is currently preventing my son from playing his favorite game - "Roblox". Upon start-up he receives the error message "Initialization error 4". Anyone having experienced the same or knows a workaround? Very thankful for any guidance on this /Markus
I worked on my computer. How do I download & reinstall F-Secure?
I had my computer worked on and lost the download. How do I reinstall without having to renew or buy it again?
roblox stops working after updates
every time roblox updates i have to go to into the 'deepguard' tab and add exclusions so roblox will work. otherwise the stupid 'initialization' error occurs. I maintain all my home's computers and having to do this once a week on 5 computers is annoying. Why can't f-secure add roblox to their safe list? Why do i have to…
Tasks of the f-secure modules
I would like to know what the individual f-secure modules * Capricorn * Deepguard * Virgo * Hydra * Lynx * Online Safety * Ultralight Core * Universal System Scanner * Ultralight Updater are responsible for. Can somebody explain the tasks to me? Thanks.
"Protection active" bar in the top of the screen
Hi I'm using F-Secure SAFE and it works fine, with one exception. The bar in the top of the screen that is "visible" when a secure connection is active. This bar covers almost the entire top of the screen. If one have to switch to another tab in the web-browser it's very easy that you by mistake move the cursor too far up…
browser extension issue
I installed the f-secure browser extension and activated. Every time I open the browser I get a tab saying : the extension Is installed , close the tab. But when I close this tab and reopen the browser then te message comes back. Every time I open the browser I get this message. The issue is only in Chrome and Firefox. The…
Issue with F-secure Antivirus on Windows7
The program worked seamlessly and after Windows7 update it disapeared from Programs List. Some F-secure services are running in the background, though (see below). I cannot uninstall the software because it does not exist in Programs. I also tried to upgrade the software by running the new installation file. I got an error…
Cannot uninstall SAFE from Android phone
Hi, I installed F-SAFE on my children's phone with parental control. Unfortunately the first parameters I set were too restrictive. So I changed these ones from the control panel on the website. But nothing changed. My daughter is still facing the same limitations. So I decided to remove the App from the phone. IMPOSSIBLE.…
renewal problems
i have just renewed my subscription but when i check to see if it has worked (online account) it says device is not yet protected but to try to release the license and add it again ive done this multiple times but nothing is working
Gandcrab ransomware
Hi, Can you help me understand the reasons why, despite having the active protection system activated, get infected by the gandcrab 5.2 ransomware? I open an curruculum vitae that seemed real whith a word document in attachment; I opened it trusting in active protection. The attachment was a word document with an image of…
SAFE finder not working well
Hello! I have recently been very disappointed with the SAFE device Finder. Occasionally, I need to check on my childrens' device location. The Finder function has been painfully slow if it has worked, or often it doesn't work at all. Today, for example, I tried to locate my son's Android phone from two Android devices. I…
f-secure icon (task bar) without any functions
Hi, since today the f-secure icon in the taskbar (right corner) doesn't work anymore. No context menu, no start of the f-secure interface. The desktop icon works fine. What happened? How can I "refresh" the icon without booting the pc? Thanks for the help. (Windows 8.1. x64)
Worried my machine is unsafe
I installed F-Secure Safe about a month ago, but suddenly find my machine starts running slow and the database is trying to update (! icon) when I look at the icon at the top of my mac. I keep getting Ca't connect to server messages and orange or red (!) symbols. Any idea what I need to do? I try to run the antivirus, but…
FSecure internet security instalation fails on Win 8.1
Hi, I've renewed my subscription in January for one of W8.1 machines. Somehow it was uninstalled or crashed and got gone from this PC after month and a half of operation. Now, I've got quite unusuall error when trying to reinstall the FSecure internet security on this older machine with 8.1. Following can be observed: 1.…
Hidden malware in Telia Mail
Hidden malware in along the telia mail somwhere and is copying and downloading everything from log in details bank details and pin numbers till Credit cards........help! Just put it all in the subject box.....=)) EDIT: Title
F-Secure Safe can be uninstalled by child?
I've setup Family rules for my 11 year old kid but he has learner how to unactivate Safe. For few times now I have noticed Safe is set off during day. He has Huawei Honor 8 Lite. This problem was with Android 8 and now with 9 also.
Capricorn engine updates only once a day?
I installed F-Secure Safe the day before yesterday. As far as everything is ok. But yesterday, only 1 update came in for the Capricorn engine. Is that normal that F-Secure updates so rarely? I know that from other providers very differently.
Error when installing F-secure safe
I originally installed f-secure safe on theis laptop in 2017 but it recently managed to get uninstalled. I downloaded the latest installer VirginMediaNetworkInstaller_24175w151o734_.exe and tried to reinstall it. It got to 98% but I got the message Installation Failed please restart your computer and try again. So I…
F-Secure SAFE no longer default Anti-virus - Windows is blocking it
I had F-Secure safe working fine on my Win 10 machine until about two weeks ago. After two Windows updates, it has decided to defualt to Defender, without asking me, and says that 'F-Secure SAFE cannot be run due to security issues'. I tried turning off Defender, and also re-installing F-Secure SAFE. I am basically blocked…
F-Secure browsing protection takes extreme cpu power
With browsing protextion (F-secure SAVE 17.4) enabled on Safari (12) on my Mac certain webpages (esp. those with many ads) will take extreme cpu power. Activity monitor shows >200% for longer times. Frequently the spinning wait cursor is shown. Scrolling down is delayed. This has started a few months ago, I think around…
Bypassing Time Limits by closing and reopening apps (Android)
My son owns a Xiaomi Redmi 5 phone (Android 7.1) with installed up-to-date SAFE Internet Security & Mobile Antivirus app. Yesterday following a conversation we had he showed me that he is able to bypass the time limits by closing and reopening an app several times. How he is doing it: Starts the app, he gets a warning that…
Subscription has been terminated on one of my devices
Hi I have a multi-computer license for F-secure that is supposed to elapse in December. However on one of my computers that has already happened and re-entering the license key doesn't seem to work. Any thoughts?
Parental Control Windows 10
I'm using Parental Control in F-Secure Internet Security. I set a time limit for my child. After the selected time the screen is locked (and that's ok). Then I pressAlt+Tab shortcut and I see the game in full screen mode and I can play it. I tested it with Fortnite on Windows 10 x64. How can I block it? Regards, Adam
F-Secure DeepGuard/Ultralight Hoster impacting Robloxplayerbeta.exe
Problem: When starting the robloxplayerbeta.exe application the error "Initialization error 4" is produced. Upon disabling DeepGuard, this then allows the application to run; additionally, disabling the service "F-Secure Ultralight Hoster" allows the application to run, as well, therefore, disabling either of these…
Hi, I can not log on to \f secure \supersafe boost It says my email and/or password is incorrect How do I change the password It does not send emails to my email address. thanks
Installation of F-Secure SAFE
I have been trying to install F-Secure for the first time on my Windows XP. When I press Run the installer, the message pops up that this as not a valid Win 32 application. Does this mean that subscription to F-Secure is no use to me, as it is incompatible with my PC? If not, how do I resolve the problem?
F-Secure Total limited to 12 months 90€
Hey! My F-Secure Safe 12 months subscription for three devices expired a week ago. I am planning to upgrade it to F-Secure Total 24 months subscription for five devices. Anyhow when I try to buy F-Secure Total 24 month five device subscription, it tells me that the email address is already in use (I haven't logged in yet).…
F-Secure SAFE Network Usage Suspension
Hello, Periodically, even in gaming mode, the F-Secure Host Process will eat all of my bandwidth for anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes. Admittedly, I'm only on an 8mb connection, but it's a hindrance if I happen to be playing a game. Turning on gaming mode as well as disabling all security features temporarily has…
How do you view and edit what devices are covered?
I recently got a new iPad. How do I view my devices so I can see if my new iPad is covered (and remove my old one if it's still there)?
safe browser and other browsers kid safety
F-secure is set as safe browser in my kid's phone, but other browsers appear too (google, Chrome). Is this okay and safe? I mean if the child clicks on these, does the F-secure still turn on and the parental controls? I can't seem to get rid of the google and Chrome because they are part of the phone (Huawei).