No connection Safe install on 30% download

Hello i have problem with install of Safe. Download instal exe is OK but when i try to install it, everytime on 30% download it say no internet connection. Win 10 last build, all drivers update, i5 , 64 GB RAM, no other antivirus installed. Any idea? All other comunication or downloads/installation is no problem. Thx for any info
I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
Download instal exe is OK but when i try to install it, everytime on 30% download it say no internet connection. Win 10 last build, all drivers update, i5 , 64 GB RAM, no other antivirus installed.
Since your environment with all OK about updates, drivers and so on.
Any idea? All other comunication or downloads/installation is no problem.
Maybe, good to start from next point:
-> to use F-Secure Uninstallation Tool before next try to install F-Secure SAFE.
and, maybe, good to make restart after "Uninstallation Tool".
-> if there is still stuck on "30%" (by the way, what is wording of installation window? "...downloading certain component..."?)
Then, one option is to check "temporary" installation logs (if you would like to do so, of course; if not - it is possible to contact their official Support channel for assistance:
It can be useful for understanding what is wrong. Certain resource (F-Secure side) is not available or something else but locally.
Hello @Frozenhell
Thank you for posting your query, I would like you to locate your Hosts file and verify that no unusual values have been added to it. Click here to know more on how to locate and reset Hosts file back to default settings.
You will now download the F-Secure uninstaller here and run it to remove traces of the older or corrupted components of F-Secure. Please restart the machine once the uninstallation completed before start re-installation of F-Secure Safe.
Hi @Frozenhell
We had a configuration mistake for SAFE 17.7 in Czech and Bulgarian languages that caused error during download, when installing in either of these two languages. This has now been fixed. Please try if your problem is solved now.
(F-Secure R&D)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products