Can only connect to internet throught Australia
When turning on Freedome, from all locations only Australia is giving me internet access, what's the problem?
Place: Sweden
Why has Sweden been removed from the list of places (countries) that can be chosen.
Cannot connect to internet while freedome is on
I am using Windows 10 Home computer, F-secure Freedome version 1.4.3038.0 and everything was working perfectly until yesterday, and then stopped working.I have restarted computer several times and hasnt helped. I changed locations to another country and it worked for a short while.Out of the five locations here in the USA,…
F-secure react on the app AutoKiller Memory Optimizer
F-secure react on AutoKiller Memory Optimizer. Virus and trojan it said. Is it wrong?
Steam problems (logging in, updating games etc.)
Hello, first of all, tried to give feedback straight from freedome, but it complains about not having mail client properly installed. And didn't find any email adress to contact. Can't log in to the Steam, if location is anywhere except Finland BUT can't update any games, if location is set to Finland, so have to log in…
Swap between units
hi, I have bought a 3 unit license. I have installed Freedome on my pc and Android phone. But is it possible to install the last license on one iPad, and later uninstall on that iPad and install on another? Or am I bound to the first three units? regards Jan
App Protection kills bandwith
Sometimes the app-security feature in Freedome on Android gets stuck on any one of my apps. When this happens while on my local home netork via WiFi, it blocks almost all bandwith of my outbound DSL connection. As I have only a low bandwidth, this makes internet access almost impossible from any other device until I switch…
"No network connection", even though internet acess works
Recently I have started noticing that Freedome on Android reports that allegedly there is no network connection, while in fact im happily browsing, playing etc. Switching Freedome off and on unsually resolves this. This can go on unnoticed for quite some time, because the status bar icon shows the full protection symbol. I…
3 devices and three macs?
Hey, this might be a silly question, but if I buy a 3 device package can I use this for 3 different Macbooks? T.
302 Moved Temporarily
Hello I was wondering why when i have freedome activated i can't enter all sites. Here is one for example www. friatider.se ? Regards havetedjupt EDIT: Remove direct link
Internet ONLY works when Freedome is connected
Hi, Last night I ran the suggested update to Freedome. This morning I turned on the computer to discover that I can no longer access any websites if Freedome is not turned ON. I have the program set to load (but not connect) automatically when Windows loads. I tried exiting Freedome completely, but it made no difference.…
Freedome license periods
Hello, I know this has been asked a lot on this forum, but I still would like to have an exact answer for this. I have the following scenario: I have bought a new subscription and I have not yet activated it on any device: F-Secure Freedome 12 months for 5 devices I am going to install it on 5 different devices: Windows pc…
Cannot connect to internet while Freedome is OFF
Couple of days ago my Windows 10 64-bit stopped allowing internet connections when Freedome is NOT active. I can only access my local network router/NAT, but nothing in internet. Other devices work nicely through the same router. I tried also without the router, and the connection is still blocked by Freedome. So when…
IPV6 Problem
I have this enoying problem "Your encrypted VPN connection cannot be created because of issues with network configuration (netsh.exe fails).Please check that you have IPv6 traffic enabled." I have followed the guide "https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/What-is-wrong-when-Freedome/ta-p/81386" but the following isnt…
Freedome "could not verify your account"
I ran into a problem with Freedome for iPad (iPad2 running the latest version of iOS and the latest Freedome). I recently had to delete and reinstall Freedome from my iPad, and now it does not accept my subscription code. I have a subscription for three devices, and -- to best of my understanding -- only two of them are in…
Android Freedome F-Secure 1 - Year Subscription without auto-renew
Could you please provide a 1-year subscription option that is not autorenew? Haloway13
New Laptop
I've bought a new computer and I wanna know how I get back my freedome license First of all is it possible to get back our license ? If is it possible how do we do that ? Thank you.
Subscription renewal with PayPal
Hi, Yesterday I bought a one year Freedome subscription for 3-devices from the f-secure site with PayPal. Payment was perfectly fine and received my code in the mail. I opened the Freedome app (iOS) and tried to enter the code. From there I got a message: can not verify the account please try again later Can someone…
Problems with Freedome
Hello I have problems with the Freedome application, it takes much to establish the connection, and when you set it I don't have access to the internet. also uses much bandwidth, reaches to the GB in minutes. My operating system is windows 10 Thank you
Product survey questions
I installed freedom one end was asked to take a survey about the product which I agreed to do about halfway through the questions changed from obvious relevant questions to a full on psychological profile with questions that appear to be taken from something like the Myers-Briggs personality test. might have occurred to…
Cant watch Sky f1 videos with Freedome UK server
When trying to watch videos with freedome, I get error message "Cannot connect authorization server" Same error even with free content.
IPv4 only for Freedome on Windows?
Hello, I've been looking forward to getting a Freedome subscription for my new secure setup, but it's times like these that I'm glad I did the trial first-- My computer and router has IPv6 disabled at the lowest levels for security purposes. However, it seems like IPv6 is needed for Freedome. Is it possible for a Windows…
Wifi connections issue with Surface Book
Suddenly lost internet connection on my Surface Book. Only skype was able to connect but no connectivity for any of my internet browsers or outlook etc. Every other device was connected in the household so my WiFi is ok. Tried every trick in the book i.e. re-start by SBook, run the windows troubleshooter etc. Problem was…
Freedome blocks updates for comodo firewall?
I've been using comodo for about 2 years and I've gotten quite good with it. What do other people use as a HIPS based firewall that works and isnt passive... I don't want to use a garbage firewall with a security suite... I want to use something with a descent gui. Otherwise I'd use binisoft's windows firewall gui: it's…
Could Not Verify Code issue with Multi-device subscription to consolidate old separate subscriptions
I have just bought a 7 device subscription to replace and consolidate a bunch of separate subscriptions I held. The issue I am having is I have been able to update an Android Tablet and a Win 10 PC ok, but now I am finding the code is not accepted on my 2 iphones and 2 Macs. Admittedly the Macs still have about 40 days to…
Cannot access internet when Freedom is on
Hi there For the last two days everytime i switch on Freedom i am unable to access the internet on my laptop even though it is connected to wifi it is only when i switch Freedom off can i access the internet Does anyone know why and what i should do to correct? thanks
Preventing IP leaks when using Freedome
Hi, I'm considering switching to Freedome from another VPN service. I have one question: With my current VPN on a Windows 7 PC I have my firewall configured so that if the VPN disconnects, all traffic is blocked so that my real IP adress is not exposed. Is there a guide how to do this with Freedome (e.g. a list of entry…
Freedome licensing
I have the freedome 5 license bundle, is it possible to upgrade this, or must i purchase another bundle seperately?
Freedome code does not work on iPhone
I purchased a 1 year subscription (for 5 devices) from your website a while back. Trying to use it on iPhone didn't work the first time, even re-installed the app a couple of times but in vain. Latest error message is "could not create VPN connection". Need your help to resolve this issue asap please.
cannot use my RDP client "Action Remote Mirrils"https://www.google.com
cannot use my RDP client "Action Remote Mirrils I did a port scanner online with f-secure and it still showing ports being blocked..? whats up that?!