Windows requires a digitally signed driver
I installed Freedome VPN on Win 7 Pro 64bit machine and I get the 'windows requires a digitally signed driver' error message. Driver: TAP-Windows Virtual Network Driver (NDIS6.0) Service: Freedome TAP driver Publisher: The OpenVPN Project Any help getting the driver updated and working is appreciated. Thank you.
Pay with Mobile
Hi! My friends in F-Secure Freedom community I don't have any problem with f-seure freedom works well for me mobile and pc but i have finished my trial that where 14 days. but the problem is ican't buy and pay with mobile for more than 14 days for 3 devices i want probably to buy one year subscription for 3 devices so how…
Lost my license
Hi all,I recently signed up for a promotion which gives you a year trial for free. However,I've lost my code,and can't seem to find it. Is it possible to get it back?
Freedome menu bar shown as inactive
Now and then Freedome shows its inactive menu bar icon (icon with backslash) , even if both the menu and the Freedome app says that protection is “ON”. Bug or feature? OS X 10.11.3, Freedome 1.0.2352.0.
Constant high network traffic when Freedome is on
Is it normal that Freedome causes constant high network traffic? When the protection is off there is almost no traffic but when I turn it on Task Manager Performance tab shows about 56/256 kbps (send/received) traffic for Freedome TAP driver and 128/264 kbps for my LAN adapter. The reason I am asking is that this happens…
Freedome VPN ios problem with whatsapp
Since i`ve installed F-Secure Freedome VPN I have problems with whatsapp. Whatsapp is not connecting in background anymore. So i receive only messages when i start the whatsapp application. Strange is, that it dosen`t matte wheter freedome is started or not (vpn symbol in the rigt corner upside). Is this a known bug? I…
Freedome VPN
What if the app is disabled by a hacker and how can i tell?
Freedom Account ID
Hey, where can I find my Freedom Account ID or the regarding E-Mail-Address on the MAC? On the tab subscription I can only see the status of my subscription, but not the id,mail or how long the subscription runs. Thanks
Freedome blocks iCloud sync
Looks like Freedome blocks iCloud sync between Apple devices. I just spent a while investigating why my iCloud-saved files do not appear on my iPhone iCloud Drive. Then noticed my Mac had Freedome connection on and iCloud couldn't sync. I turned off Freedome and files were saved to iCloud immediately plus they showed up on…
Android App: Connection drops quick after connecting
Hey Im using F-Secure Freedom on my Samsung Galaxy S6 (Android 6.0) and I have a problem. When I turn F-Secure Freedom on, then the connection to the VPN drops after a few seconds :/ I already turned app optimization off and restarted my smartphone often but its not working.
Freedome for Business Windows Clients?
Will Freedome for Business be available for Windows Clients or smartphones/tablets only?
Freedome blocking sites
Why is Freedome blocking Pornhub? I can access the site but the videos won't play. This happens on every platform. Is there a specific reason for this? Disabling the tracking option lets me watch the video but I don't think I should be forced into choosing from being tracked or watching a simple video. If this issue is not…
Can not connect to the authorization server?
Hi, I got this problem when I try to watch some videos, when I have freedome on? Those videos are blocked in my country so I need to use vpn . help pls! thx.
Currently Mac DMG package seems to be broken and cannot be installed
At this time current mac dmg image is broken. Is someone else having this problem? (Yeah trust me, I know what I'm doing. Redownloaded it already 4 times (even with different computer).)
Reocurring browser message
Hi I am constantly getting a browser message from F-secure stating harmfull website blocked. On one hand it is good that f-secure is protecting me. On the other hand it is annoying that the window keeps popping up when I am trying to watch youtube etc. Harmful web site blocked hxxp://a.couponcherry. com/index.php This web…
Latest iOS update to Freedome deletes subscription
I use a multi device subscription and the latest update to Freedome in iOS deletes the subscription data & now tells me that I have reached my 5 device limit! Any ideas on how to delete devices so I can reuse the subscription on the same device? Thanks
Which all Countries can I select for my VPN in FREEDOME
Hello, Before I buy, I would like to know what all countries can I select for my VPN in FREEDOME?. Is India one of them? Thanks
Windows requesting a digitally signed driver problem with win7 x64
Hello All, I try to install freedome VPN and i have an error with signed driver. I try to reboot with F8 and switch off "check digitally signed driver" on windows, The problem is same, I try to downolad the patch here : https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/security/3033929 i can't install it and i have a WUSA.EXE…
BoxAdsl AND Freedome
Hello, I try to configure F-secure freedome on my adsl box, Please check the picture here,What ip adress i must enter in PPTP configuration?HOST :ID :PASSWORD : Thanks a lot, Tho Thanks a lot,
opengl 2.0 error message on starting freedome
feedome installs ok but when i come to run the progam I get the following error message Failed to create Opengl context for format qsurfaceformat(version 2.0, options qflags()............... Install a driver providing opengl 2.0 or higher................. The error message goes on to ask you to edit the PATH which i have…
Sonos Music system
Why is Sonos blocked by Freedom? How can I ooerate Sonos when also running Freedom?
Belgian content always blocked
Hi, I'm for the moment in Asia. I bought a Freedome license to be able to watch Belgian content. Each time I try to watch those programs, I get the message "content only avalaible in Belgium" even if the virtual location is set on Belgium ! I found this answer you have to another user…
Belgian video content still blocked in UK when using Freedome
Hi, I am currently trialing Freedome to see if this service can allow me to watch content from my home country Belgium while I'm living in the UK. Currently though, websites like sporza.be still don't play the videos that are tagged 'only in Belgium'. I'm using chrome and the latest version of Freedome for Mac. Looking at…
F-Secure Freedome, Android shell warning
Hi, I have been running for a while the F-Secure freedome android app on a phone that does not have updates for android past the 4.4.2. lately the app has started warning about a malicious app with description name: shell, Application:Android/Generic.3d2680c826!Online I have installed the F-Secure Mobile Security however…
Purchasing options for Freedome (License Length, Terms, Platforms and Support)
I purchased a 1 month subscription through the Google Play Store. I figured it was applicable for 1 month (30 days) for up to 2 devices (in my case it would be an Android Phone, and 2 Windows devices). I was dismayed when it was only valid for Android devices during that period. I forgot to read the fine print. (The last…
Freedome reveals my actual position
Hi, I got a problem with Freedome on my iPad and iPhone. It reveals my actual position even when I turn off the location services. So I can't watch some videos on websites or, for example, use Spotify. I bought a Freedome license just to avoid those problems. Freedome is totally useless for me if I can't hide my actual…
Driver installation error
Hello! w10 installed the latest update, after freedome no longer go to the online mode. freedome inform the "driver installation error" restart your computer. version 1.4.3038.0
command line opens when using freedome
If I have freedome running my computer will a litte now and then open command prompts that close themselfs really quickly (I cant see the commands written, they just flash by) This is annoying AF, any lnown issue that you guys are working at?
I am unable to purchase a single month or year using play store credit because you prefer an auto-renewable form of payment. Please offer single month/year options so I can use play store credit. Thank you, Tim
Timeout value in Freedome ?
My customer is using Freedome on multiple computers, there is weird issue on one of their services they use daily. Service is web based and some parts of it is very slow to open, when try to open these slow parts of service we get "Inactivity Timeout" IF Freedome is enabled. If disable freedome then service will work. I…