Freedome restart connection many times in hours

ZekeD Posts: 4 New Member

Freedome cut connection many times in 1 hours, but connect fast again. It isannoying, can i do something about it?


  • Hi ZekeD,


    Which location had you chosen when it tried to reconnect again and again? Was your internet connection stable through the whole one hour or was it also fluctuating?


    Did you encounter this afterwards as well?

  • ZekeD
    ZekeD Posts: 4 New Member



    I live finland and also keep freedome location in finland. Best speed :) Yes, my internet works perfectly


  • Thanks for the update, ZekeD! Do you still see the same issue happening now? Or did it happen only during that 1 hour?

  • ZekeD
    ZekeD Posts: 4 New Member

    makes evey hour. 24/7 :) Connect, disconnet, connect. I try installing again, but its not helping.

  • Hi ZekeD,


    What is the OS of your device in which you see the constant reconnection? Which version of the program is installed on your device? Do you have the recent version installed?

  • mikkoville
    mikkoville Posts: 5 New Member



    I have the same problem. I live in Finland and mainly use locations in Finland and the USA. I have iPhone 6 and the lates iOS9 + latest the version of the Freedome. Freedome reconnects many times in an hour 24/7 nomatter which location I use. The problem is permanet. I have been using the Freedome now for about 2 months. Fist had subscription from AppStore and a couple of days ago directly from F-Secure. I have reinstalled the app but no help from that. I have set from the setting VPN stay connected while device on idle. I don't know if this is a real problem. The reconnection happens quickly and just useing the internet goes quite smoothly. It's more annoying. How can I fix the problem? What happens to the security while VPN is off for a couple of seconds each time?

  • Hi mikkoville,


    I found an article here based on your same error. Does it happen like mentioned in the article?

  • R4tt3xx
    R4tt3xx Posts: 1 New Member

    Same issue here... The VPN connection just drops for no reason, as soon as I drop and reconnect it works fine till I am disconnected again, very annoying !!!

  • mikkoville
    mikkoville Posts: 5 New Member

    Thanks for your answer. I have done what you suggest in the message several times but problem is still on. So I guess there is nothing to do with this problem. In the Diagnosis paragraf it says: "Freedome VPN may get disconnected on some iOS devices." What does that mean; on 100's of devices, 1000's of devices, 1000000's of devices?

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