Freedome restart connection many times in hours

I have the same problem. I live in Finland and mainly use locations in Finland and the USA. I have iPhone 6 and the lates iOS9 + latest the version of the Freedome. Freedome reconnects many times in an hour 24/7 nomatter which location I use. The problem is permanet. I have been using the Freedome now for about 2 months. Fist had subscription from AppStore and a couple of days ago directly from F-Secure. I have reinstalled the app but no help from that. I have set from the setting VPN stay connected while device on idle. I don't know if this is a real problem. The reconnection happens quickly and just useing the internet goes quite smoothly. It's more annoying. How can I fix the problem? What happens to the security while VPN is off for a couple of seconds each time?
Thanks for your answer. I have done what you suggest in the message several times but problem is still on. So I guess there is nothing to do with this problem. In the Diagnosis paragraf it says: "Freedome VPN may get disconnected on some iOS devices." What does that mean; on 100's of devices, 1000's of devices, 1000000's of devices?