Lost my license

Dedbet Posts: 4 New Member

I have unfortunately lost my activation codes.


I had to reinstall everything on my desktop computer and found out I've somehow lost the email with the activation codes to activate Freedome VPN again on desktop computer. I also can't access my F-Secure Account at that time and password recovery did not help me there for I don't remember the email address I used.


I have the Freedome VPN still running smoothly on my Macbook and Android Phone but it seems there's no way to see the activation code through the program itself?


I have the purchase receipt available if that's any help, I'd like to keep using my subscription since I bought it just 18th of February 2016, so there's still over 7 months left.


What can I do in a situation like this?


  • Hi Dedbet,


    May I know from where you purchased your Freedome license? Was it purchased from F-Secure directly? If yes, could you please send me a private message of your purchase details/invoice number etc?


  • Dedbet
    Dedbet Posts: 4 New Member
    Yes, I purchased it directly from F-Secure. I will PM you the purchsse details and invoice.
  • Dedbet
    Dedbet Posts: 4 New Member

    Are my PMs reaching you Laksh? Haven't got an answer yet... Smiley Indifferent

  • Dedbet
    Dedbet Posts: 4 New Member

    Thank you Laksh and the tech support team, the problem got solved and I can happily continue my use of Freedome. :)

  • Glad to know, Dedbet. You are always Welcome!Smiley Happy

    Enjoy using Freedome.

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