When i have freedome turned ON
Hello, I have problem when i turn freedome on and use several websites, for example bet365 thinks im inactivated and starts logging me out.. this happens never when freedome is not turned on. So is there some option with freedome i can use to prevent this? Im new to freedome and know nothing about it..
Can't configure the app
I have been using freedome (iphone 5) for the past 6 months in Beijing without any problems. After coming back from Taiwan the app doesn't work. First it said - cannot connect to the server. Check your internet connection and try again. Error code = - 1001, domain = NSURLErrorDomain, desc = time - out. However - I am…
Ookla speedtest not recording any speed (0 upload, 0 download) on android
Hi guys, Just got a subscription to Freedome and running in on my Nexus 5 (OS version 6.0.1). When using the Ookla Speedtest app (not the mobile site) on my phone, the app records a ping but always 0 for upload and download. I'm sure this used to work a while back during trial but maybe I'm wrong. Is this expected? If so,…
Freedom can establish connection after latest update (mac)
Since i did the latest update for Freedom (Mac) Freedome can not establis a working connection. When i open the Freedome app and turns on Freedome on the big button it starts to try to make a connection, but after a while i turns off and no secure connection can be made. What can i do to solve this? Thank you!
Freedome window not visible after update
After a recent Freedome update I find that the Freedome window is no longer displayed, I just see a small white rectangle on screen. The system tray shows Freedome is present and ON and I can select other locations successfully but the main dialog fails to display. This is on Windows 7. I've tried restarting the laptop,…
"Something went wrong, we are sorry" Error for Freedome
Hi there, I updated Freedome to the latest version and now whenever I try and turn freedome on I get a generic "Something went wrong, we are sorry" error. I've already gone through the forums and the only solution I've seen posted is "Sorry you need to re-install windows 10". That isn't a solution for me. I updated…
Freedome crashes after installation.
Good day, Everytime Freedome is installed, an error occurs and it crashes. There is a conflict between Freeodome and my antivirus, and Freedome's support tool has created a diagnostic report, but i dont know how to send it to F-Secure team in order to fix the problem. Awaiting your kind support. Thanks.
endless starting error message at mac-version
Hi dear users I have had some key-chain problems at my mac lately. After that, the freedom can't be performed with a starting message 'the files are damaged. Please uninstall and restart'. Although I have tried many times un- and re-install, this message crashes continually. Does anyone know about a error like this??
Upgrade subscription
Hi, I bought Freedome to my iPad and now I'm considering to upgrade the subscription to cover my Mac and wife's iPad, too. How to proceed?
My Freedome doesn't want to turn on
When I try to turn on Freedome it gives me an error.
Can't turn on protection
Something is not going right; I have Freedome on several machines, and now I've updated my main PC and re-installing everything, also Freedome. Win 10, i7, etc. First of all, it doesn't seem to install right. It never finishes at first, and then when I try again, it finishes and seems to work and I was able to input my…
Virginmedia (VM) will not send Outlook emails when Freedome is on
As above. If Freedome is off emails send. I switched off VM Virus wall, ticked IPsec, L2TP and PPTP pass through and switched to port 465 in setting on the VM hub and saved. All as advised on some blogs but the issue remains. I believe that VM does not support VPN's for home use. I have not been able to get ISP advice.…
After Freedome upgrade: Something went wrong, we are sorry
After accepting a Freedome upgrade, I get an error dialog window: "Something went wrong, we are sorry". I tried to unsinstall/reinstall, still the same problem. I have still 330days left with my licence. I'm under Win10
Fredome not working after upgrade
Hi I have upgraded to the latest version of the program and now it wont run, I got the message about installing the new driver this i have done, and i rebooted now it wont run, the service is not starting either and i have attempted to start the service manualy but it wont, I am under windows 7 Plesae help Cliff C
Data retention
Hi freedom On your privacy policy you write that you can't make out what traffic a particular user has and that you don't really know who your users are. At the same time you write that you would give out information on your users if the government asked you to. Seems like an inconsistency here. How can you cooperate with…
Private IP address?
Hi, As you know, Netflix and Hulu are making it very difficult to view their content with proxies and VPN's. A couple of US servers are still working, but Netflix is adapting quite fast. Very soon, no server will have access to Netflix. Seems the only way to get around this is to get a private IP address. So the question…
Freedome over SSL
I'm finding that publically open access points are blocking VPN ports, in particular my local mass transit authority. Are there any plans for F-Secure's Freedome VPN to go over port 443? I am using the Google Play Freedome app on my Android device.
Auto disconnect
Hi, I have some problem with auto disconnecting after 10 mins Because i should manually connect after every 10 mins when there is no internet? and if Iam not near ( faraway from Device ) the device it will send traffic without freedome VPN. solution: If it is possible make it an option in settings panel to choose whenever…
F-Secure Freedome potential false positive on Samsung Galaxy Note 5- "System UI"
Starting this morning, F-Secure Freedome has been warning me that my Samsung Galaxy Note 5 device is infected. It says that "System UI" is infected with "Trojan:Android/SmsSend.AB". I have scanned my phone with Sophos, Kaspersky, Norton, and Bitdefender, yet they do not detect any malware on my phone. I am running Freedome…
Cant connect with freedome while using Kaspersky.
I tried the trial period for freedome on windows 7 and 8.1 while using kaspersky, and i always get the same notification from Kaspersky "Cannot guarantee the authenticity of the domain to which the encrypted connection is established" and the reason for that is "The certificate chain is not complete". I can only use…
I Cant use my license code after re-installation Windows 10
Hello 2 Day ago my win10 x64 crashed and i have to re new the windows the problem is after re newing windows 10 x64 and freedome now i use my physical code it say you have reached the maximum number ...... my code is 6 mounth 3 user ( pc - android - ios ) .. on my LG G3 Android phone i got this license key with 139 day…
Freedome VPN bar all my outgoing phone call using Samsung Note 5. Please help!
When I on Freedome VPN, all my outgoing phone call using Samsung Note 5 will not work. The phone will continue dailing (without any tone) till it ends itself after maybe 10sec. However incoming call is working fine. Please help! When I off freedome VPN the outgoing phone call resumes normal. Please help. Thanks in advance!
Subscription Expired, when Not Expired
Hi, I still have about 6 months on my paid subscription and have only used it with this computer. The thing is, it looks like it forcefully updated itself and does not remember the code. I reentered the code from my email and it says it's the 'maximum number of devices' although it's only to be used with one. Help?
Freedome not working I am still being tracked
HI, windows 7 PC use IE11 browswer. freedome says its working and loads but if I go from facebook to ebay as soon as I go back to face book I am getting adverts for the things I have just looked at. I paid for freedome to stop all this ? fredome is updated every times it asks been using it a couple of months now and its…
Freedome NEVER starts automatically when my Windows 7 computer comes out of sleep OR hibernation
To be clear, it's the VPN connection that NEVER starts automatically when my Windows 7 computer comes out of sleep or hibernation. The Freedome software is running after sleep and hibernation, but I ALWAYS have to manually connect to the VPN by clicking on the icon on my taskbar to open up the Freedome control screen. Is…
when freedome click Start ON a window opens and brand me Sorry an error occurred what to do
No internet connection when Freedome is on
I've had this problem for quite a while now. When I turn on Freedome on my computer at some point the internet connection is lost. The computer says it's still connected to my Wi-Fi network, but it's not actually connecting to the internet. When I turn Freedome off, I'm back online. Tried this with several locations,…
VPN servers blocked by F-secure and multiple license required for multiple accounts on one mac
Netflix has now blocked every US server that's available on Freedome and I can't watch US content anymore. I think this was one of the advertisement points of Freedome when it first came out. To be able to access geoblocked content. Well now that point is gone. Also when I enter one lisence to one of the users on my…
Cant connect with freedome while using Kaspersky.
I tried the trial period for freedome on windows 7 and 8.1 while using kaspersky, and i always get the same notification from Kaspersky "Cannot guarantee the authenticity of the domain to which the encrypted connection is established" and the reason for that is "The certificate chain is not complete". I can only use…
FREEDOM Not Work windows 10 maybe in my country IRAN But I Dontknow However Not Working
FREEDOM Not Work windows 10 maybe in my country IRAN But I Dontknow However Not Working