Lost my license
Hello, I have accidentally deleted the email where i had my license key for 3 machines. I have got my paypal recipe of the purchase available. Is it possible to recover the key somehow Please solve my issue Thank you
Any news to share on freedome for Windows 10 mobile?
Hi, any news to share on freedome for Windows 10 mobile? Are there any plans on supporting Windows 10 mobile soon?
Freedome not working in specific countries
Hello, I travel a lot and have successfully been using Freedome for quite some time. Now, though, it appears I cannot connect in e.g. Indonesia and Singapore. Freedome claims that the protection is "on" but as soon as I try to browse anything there's no connection. Having said this, Freedome works back in Europe. Have the…
Freedome renewal on IOS
Hello I have 2 subscriptions for 1 year for Freedome that I purchased from the F-Secure Website in June and July 2015 (for 3 devices each). The first expires in 1 week. As such I renewed my subscription today by purchasing a 5 device licence, again through the F-Secure website. But I cannot extend my license on my 2 IOS…
Cannot turn Freedome on on Windows 10 pc or Android mobile following update
Morning Freedome will not turn on Windows 10 PC or Android Mobile. Installed the update today on the PC. Could you please help? Thanks
Update to Freedome for Mac fails
I got a notification that a newer version of Freedome for Mac was available so I clicked the 'Update' button. The Freedome UI showed an error message: I downloaded a version from the F-Secure website and tried to install but received the same message again. I did not uninstall the app first because I'm afraid I will lose…
dns issuse
Hi, I had click an advertise at google.com while I was funning freedome but the webpage jump to another website h t t p :/ /5015. xg4ken.…
Sony Video & TV SideView app and other Cast/Throw apps don't function with freedome on Xperia Z5
Hi, I've been using freedome on my Sony Xperia Z for over a year now and was fully satisfied. I could stream programs from my phone on my Sony bravia TV and use the Sony Video & TV SideView app as a remote. I recently bought a new mobile set, Xperia Z5 compact and I simply can use it in the same way without shutting…
application error
My Freedom Error Windows 10 Home. It does not help reinstall the application
Is Freedome protecting also thoughts?
I tried to open page godlessmom.com but Freedome prevented that and told it to be 'harmfull'. (first I thought it's done by SAFE...) Sounds like somebody has reported a site that they don't like instead of it being harmful technically. In my opinion F-Secure shouldn't put sensorship to ideas, but just to actually harmful…
Freedome won't turn on
I was running Freedome with no problems when I was invited to join the beta program. I run the uninstall tool and installed the beta version. The beta version installed and I was able to register it. However, now Freedome will not turn on. After a short time it issues an error message and invites me to get a diagnostic. I…
Freedome restart connection many times in hours
Freedome cut connection many times in 1 hours, but connect fast again. It isannoying, can i do something about it?
Poll: Freedome iOS working reliably?
I am on an iPhone 6s with iOS 9.3.2 and it will just not work relibably and most of the time not at all. Removing the VPN settings through the app works most of the time but even that will not always work. Trying to connect to Amsterdam and Espoo. Please reply with what iOS version and device you are either succesful or…
License Issue
Hi, Last week bought a five user 1 yr license. All went fine through installation and activation. But unfortunately my iphone got crashed and need to reinstall all. Tried to reinstall and reactivate freedome vpn, but it saying i already used max number of license. How to solve this problem? Devices active are 1. Mac 2.…
Vocher code problem
Hi I installed Fredome for my windows about two months ago and used a vocher code and got a free three months trial, I accidentally removed the program and when I reinstalled it, it is saying your subscription is expired and that code is not working anymore when I tried to get free tial period again (although I had more…
How transfer license and make it work again after uninstall/reinstall Freedome
Hi!Kan somwhone please help me ??? How transfer license and make it work again after uninstall/reinstall Freedome
Freedome will not turn on
Ok I have really looked forward to a valued vpn from a reputable company such as f-secure, so I was really excited to try this freedome. I have tried it about a month or 2 ago and had the same problem. I contacted live support and also have exchange emails to fix it. They came to the conclusion after sending them…
F-secure symbol on my laptop
How do i know my F-Secure has been installed i have no symbol on my laptop
My Vpn connection won't stay on
The server certificate has expired I've paid a yearly subscription??
Everytime I try to connect it gives me a "Your encrypted VPN connection cannot be created because of issues with network configuration (netsh.exe fails) please check that you have IPv6 traffic enabled" error. My Ipv6 is enabled There are no registry values to correct None of the solutions given on this forum work, this…
Can't connect to freedom with tablet
Hi. My freedom connects on my Huawei phone without issue, but since last night, it doesn't connect to any of the servers! Any idea how can I fix that?
[Solved] No internet access after *unintentional*,incomplete uninstallation of Freedome
Please help. My subscription for F-Secure Internet Security ended.. Because of my current economical situation i could not afford to renew it, so i decided to uninstall it. I had been a subscriber for couple years now, it was a sad decision but hell, what are you gonna do I selected "F-secure" on the "Uninstall or change…
can not connect with my mac
hi before 1 week i can conecct with my freedome vpn but now when i open my mac i try to coneccting to vpn but its just showing try to conecct but can not coneccting i dont why pls same one can tell me what i must to do ?
Freedom / Vista
Does Freedom work vith windows Vista?
Hello, From time to time freedome simply locks. It breaks my connection. it stops being responsive. I click off button then and it won't turn on. I try to restart still the same. I have to restart computer to make it work again. This issue was not seem before I was using it happily for quite some time but now it comes…
Just bought a new device but the subscription won't work
Just got a new device and installed Freedome on it. Unfortunately the subscription doesn't seem to get activated on the new device. As I am retiring my 2 older devices I uninstalled Freedome on both of them, I presume that after a while the subscription will be active on my new device as well or is there anything more that…
Just bought subscription but Freedoms won't turn on
Why not? What can I do. It says its connecting but then the button reverts to off. I'm using it on a new Kindle Fire. IRA
Could we get a version of Freedome that doesn't throttle the videocard?
This is a common problem with multiple "addon" programs that really gets on my nerves, your program should have nothing to do with a videocard, yet I am sitting 42c on idle. I quit the program and goes back to normal (~28c), closing the window does nothing. I don't need an answer, help or want to talk about this, just a…
Purchased Freedome Subscr. Code (5 devices) and stuck forever "Could not verify code"!!! :-(
I prolonged my membership and recieved a new Freedome Subscription Code (5 devices). When I enter it in the Mac desktop app, I am stuck forever in "Could not verify code. Please try again later." F-Secure Support: What would you do if that happens to you? Thanks for advice.
License for 3 devices, but not work with iOS
Hello, I have just bougt a license for 3 devices. The one on PC (Windows 10) works. Also on Android smart phone it works. Now I have entered it also on my iPhone, but the Code is not accepted. Why?