WebSocket application is reset constantly after tens of minutes

I am using MlesTalk Android application which maintains constant Websocket/TCP connection to an internet server. If Freedome is in use, the connection is not maintained up all the time, it get reset from time to time, like after 10s of minutes. Without Freedome, no issues. The service has 10 s Websocket ping interval, which should maintain bidir traffic state. Any solutions available?
We are suspecting if this might be related to the Android 6+ newer power saving feature. Please provide the following information:
1. Does this happen when the phone is connected to a charger?
2. Check the Android settings -> battery -> battery optimization. What setting do you see enabled? -
1. Answer: It does happen also when phone is connected to charger. Tested with 80% and full 100 % while connected to a charger. Tested with referred Android 6.0.
2. Answer: I see that power saver is enabled when under less than 15% battery. I also see that game optimizer is enabled for video quality. When going to Battery usage, I see nothing special. When checking Ignore battery optimizations, I can see that I am able to select Freedome to be ignored. Even when Freedome is selected to be ignored of battery optimizations, the issue still exists.