the topic has been closed due to inactivity - cannot key in valid code- says already used -start a t

the topic has been closed due to inactivity - cannot key in valid code- says already used -start a ticket-
and indicatete following:
In fact the answer you ask for is already contained in the title:
A Laptop not used during several weeks due to absence, does now
announce that the key is expired. The key is NOT expired , in fact still
valid until until 22. Juli 2019 . Therefore I dont think to buy a new licence.
On the laptop is say after kein in the licence: already used on this computer...
OF COURSE it was used on this computer AND SHOULD work for a still long (paid!) period!!!
Best regards
Dear Mr. Laksh,
Thank you for the promotion from basic green horn to scholar (=willing to...!) To not keep sitting in the last row of the class (the cosy place near the heater!) i allow myslf to make some suggestions:
1. Would be good (for F-secure) to assure yourselves of the "reality" of what the customer pretends to have
the "rights"... in my case by providing proof of purchase
here you have the proof of paid 5 licenses for 15 months - in fact this represents the 2 time period we use it. Allows you to also now the purchase channel in case you have various ones.
2. My suggestion number 2 would be:
Yes you "could" indicate which file is where and must be deleted to avoid the "wrong expired message". This however, depending how you programmed it, might be "to confidential" to disclose in public.
The help out could be that YOU send to the customer having the "proven right to have it" a special link
to be opened ON THE COMPUTER HAVING THE PROBLEM and your link could them perform a "reset" of the situation without the customer seeing the details+how to.
At the same time it would open you the possibilitiy for users/customers not yet registered by you, to pre-open for them an account on their name and you send them a second Link they can "accept/click on" in order to confirm their will to have an account and at the same time they can themself introduce their login code...
All this just suggestions... made just to be allowed to move to the 1 row (or at least nearer to..!) of the class room - hi hi hi !
Best regards
EDIT: Removed picture as it contains License purchase information
Dear Mr. Laksh,
Thanks for your question? resp. your tip ?
Upon your recommendantion:
- Ver. 2.18xxx was uninstalled
- PC/Laptop "cleaned by Ccleaner Prof."
- shut down
- restart after 3 min
- installed new Ver. 2.22xxx
The results? Easy...
- before it said Code already used on this computer.
- now it is "improved" and says : code not valid for this computer !!!
- unchanged remains the prog. does recommend to by at least a 12 months 3 pcs licence.., or more PCs
Problem remains, just the message(s) changed !
Of course understandable you removed the doc-proof that licence IS PAID for 5 units until July 2019 (until now only 3 of them used) therefore you certainly approve that we DO NOT want to buy, not even
only (!) 3 more licences for the same period...
Your VPN software ist good - the licence handling since the las Win10 pro 64 bits somewhat problematic
but not even on all WIN10 pro Systems, for the moment 1 out of 3 in activity. We are somewhat reluctant
to activate more units.... - Best regards - JCM1
Dear Laksh,
As evident for you at Freedome, we communicate always under VPN. Would not be mandatory if we were around the corner with the nice view to the bay you have from your HQ. We also use (by force another!) VPN for this extreme long distance communication. We do not have nor are aware of any kind of VPN for telephone communication. Topic has to be solve here or if too confidential preferably by direct e-mails
both also for time zone incompatibility.
Best regards - JCM1