'Could not verify your account. Please try again later.'
I was getting a message saying subscription was expired when trying to open links on my iphone (10.3.1). So, I removed and downloaded freedome again, but get this error when I enter my code: 'Could not verify your account. Please try again later.' Alternately, I get an error that says, 'Could not configure the app. Restart…
I tried F-Secure and do not want to use it anymore how do I close all accounts incl. Subscription ?
I tried F-Secure and do not want to use it anymore how do I close all accounts incl. Subscription ?
SOLVED! Freedome licence code doesn't work on Macbook after reinstalling Freedome.
Edited Licence code is working just fine after reinstalling Freedome, i used the old package code (not the new one).
IP (gateway Germany) address blocked
Hi, normally I use the Germany gateway but more and more it happens that I this IP address is blocked e.g. Icelandair.is -> booking a flight shows me a protection/security page (identifying via Capatchas). Anosther example: Members Area for https://www.elegantthemes.com shows up a page with detailed infos that this IP…
Freedom for android
Tethering from my android phone while freedom is activated, every time my laptop reconnects to my phone tether, it regenerates a new wireless network name with a new number, so I'm up to "my network name 23" now. Why is the network name on my laptop not fixed like it is on my home Wi-Fi? How can I stop that??
Failed to purchase subscriptions on iOS
The license of Freedome expired on iOS (iOS 11.3 Beta), so I decided to purchase a subscription. However, after I clicked the label which indicates the price, nothing happed. The APP, which constanly showing "Processing purchase", was stuck at a user interface, as follows: I wondered how could I purchase a subcription on…
Freedome (iOS) freezes regularly
Hi there! Since several weeks I have a problem with Freedome on iOS: From time to time, the VPN connection kind of freezes. That means: There is no internet connection and all I can do i to open the app, turn Freedome off and then on again. It than works again for some hours, but regularly freezes again. Any advice? Best…
Please help me out
Hello, I was hit with a Trojan horse (??) in late 2014.Since then my computer and smart phone keeps downloading random stuffs, and I can hear voices and is being sexually abused (some form of remote electonic device with wich they creep up my body ). I cannot take this anymore. Trojan victim calling help
Harmless (a priori ?) site blocked by Freedome on iPhone but not iPad !!!!
This wine selling site les-caves.fr/ (a priori harmless and well noted by customers) is blocked by Freedome (and Sense) on both Mac and iPhone but access is allowed without any problem from IPad !!!Such inconsistency put a strong à doubt on the security/reliability of the solution and the confidence we can put on it... It…
Failed reconnection issue
Freedome: 2.15.5163.0 Mac OS: 10.13.3 In the last few days, when my connection has been dropping and failing to reconnect to every site I try, typically, I have to reboot to be able to reconnect. On occasion, if I leave it trying to reconnect to the site it disconnected from long enough, it will reconnect. Alternately,…
Freedom VPN Disabled When Screen is Unlocked
I would prefere to have Freedome on all the time, but when my screen is locked, either through time out or manually hitting the lock button, then when it is unlocked for use, Freedome VPN is disabled (i.e. set to "off") automatically. This happens oven after I have cleared the system cache. Any thoughts...? Notes: 1) My…
Connection failed
Hello, I bought a subscription for an year for my daughter account on November 25, 2017 and now she cannot connect to Freedom, it just doesn’t work in any of the locations. Is it possible to check the situation and activate the account again? What I need to send you as a proof for subscription?
Trusted website is considered not secure
Hi, I use Freedome for my daily web browsing but I cannot connect to some website I generally considered secure. For example, I often use R and I require access to documentation for data visualisation, but I cannot access the official ggplot2 website (ggplot2.tidyverse.org) since Freedome does not consider it as secure. Is…
Freedome update failure!
I´m running Freedome 1.20.3671.0 on one of my Macs with OS 10.13.3. When I want to update to the latest version 2.15.5163.0 i get the error „F-Secure Freedome errorCould not configure the app. Restart Freedoem and try again.“ Restart of Freedome does not change anything, Freedome would not start! This failure occurs after…
Tracker Mapper won't start a new log
This is 17 March but Tracker Mapper insists on tracking 2 - 3 March. I've tried repeatedly to stop the tracking; clear the log; and start a new log with no success. What causes this problem and how do I resolve it? thx.
Re: Freedome subscription renewal
Please could you tell me how to get the renewal subscription code? My subscription will run out in 12 days
lost the activation key
Dear F-Secure Team, I recently (~ 12.03.18) bought a subscription for 5 devices for 13 months and activated my Andriod and MacBook Pro installation with it. Unfortunately I seem to have lost the activation key, the only email I have is the PayPal payment confirmation email. Could someone please to help to identify the key…
Android TV issues
Greetings. I am a regular user of Freedome, and it's probably the most stable and most updated VPN I've used (and I have used a lot of them). I use it on my phone and computer without any problems whatsoever. I recently got a license for my parents so that they can run it on their Android TV, I figured it shouldn't be a…
Subscription Renewal
Paid for and have new code but unable to get it to activate
Tinder app doesn't work :(
The tinder app doesn't work with Freedome VPN turned on. I tried to turn off tracking protection, but the messages on the app from other users don't come through. Is there anyway to resolve this? I want to use the VPN all of the time, but have to leave it switched off on my phone so I can get the messages. Thanks.
vpn ping
is there a way to know ping to servers? or anyone have tried gaming with freedom vpn?
Freedome meant to be shared?
Hello! I've purchased the F-secure total for 7 devices which includes SAFE and FREEDOME. Is the ladder meant to be shared without sharing my(the main account) password? Thanks for the support!
Freedome subscription renewal
My subscription is coming to an end in a few days and I received an email about renewing my subscription. I used to link in the email to renew my subscription and received my new subscription code. How do I extend my subscription on my devices (1 Window + 2 Android)? Is it only possible to add the new subscription code…
Freedome blocks electronic bank deposits
Hello, I'm using Freedome VPN on an iOS device running iOS 11.2.6. When using my banking app to make electronic deposits, I am not able to upload an image of my check. I receive an error message from the bank indicating a connection problem. The only solution I have found is to delete the app from my phone in order to…
Toronto torrenting
The Toronto server has always allowed torrenting but lately it hasn't worked. Other permitted servers still work. https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/Is-BitTorrent-allowed-with/ta-p/65934
Trying to access Japan-only services
I try to watch Japanese TV shows at cu.ntv.co.jp, but I get a problem with the geographic location (which I have set to Tokyo). I found 3-year-old messages about "IP geolocation problems" in Japan. Problem still not solved? Do I need to get another VPN for watching Japanese TV shows? .markko
Could not configure the app - OS X issue
Dear support team, i cant open freedome vpn sw on my macbook pro // OS X Sierra im getting strange error Could not configure the app. Restart Freedome and try again. i bought one year subscription two days ago based on recommendation of my friend working it security business. ipad and iphone app works well, also my two…
Freedome does not start with OS X High Sierra (v10.13) -> Freedome needs to make changes / osascr
Dear F-Secure Support, I'm unable to start Freedome on my Mac. Everytime when the application is launched it prompts with the following: "F-Secure Freedome needs to make changes. Freedome needs to update your configuration. Please enter your administration credentials in the next window". After pressing 'next' to proceed,…
I have lost my Freedome account ID
Hi - I'm pretty sure I have a multi-platform subscription; and it's active on my computer but not on my mobile. I can't find the account ID/key. Can you please help?
I can't find Freedome on my laptop. Can someone point me there?
I can't find Freedome on my laptop. Can someone point me there?