Freedome VPN Network Cable Unplugged
Just recently my freedome vpn just stopped working, an error popped up saying that freedome could not connect to servers and it wouldn't allow me to turn on the vpn for my pc. I checked the network cables and it said that freedome network cable was unplugged and i can't seem to find a fix to try and get the vpn working…
Using a new registration code (iOS)
Hello, how do I enter a NEW registration code for Freedome for iOS? I used a code for Freedome for iOS but now I have a different code which I need to usw now. There is no way to delete the actual code and enter a new one. Also after deinstall Freedome and installing it again the former code is still active. So, how do I…
Freedome won't connect to a server
https://gyazo.com/508e986e38671600bdca3513232fedb3 Freedome worked fine about 2 days ago suddenly it start acting up and won't connect to anything.
Freedom as spyware
My it support person in Finland claims that the only way someone may have entered my iPad is being an insider at F Secure and that I should turn off the vpn. Anyone in Estonia? I worked there as a diplomat ten years ago and experienced massive breaches, most probably by local intelligence who may still want to target me.
Freedome connection
Hi There so I can see a few people are having issues with freedome connection. I too am having similar issues. Freedome wont connect but if I switch it off I can access the net. I am currently abroad but have my location set as UK. I have the most uptodate version as of 1st March I have cleared my browser history and…
Freedome won't connect
Hi, so Freedome won't connect on my windows 10, i click on connect and it remain "connecting" and i get disconnect, by disconnect i mean well it's like i have no internet, broken or something like that. when i stop that connecting, net get back to normal. Regards,
Freedome connection refuses to find server
I';ve been running freedome for years, and this week it no longer works on either W10 clients nor on the android phones. I've uninstalled, reinstalled dozens of times, but each and every time, the software on initialising, says "Oops I cant connect to the server", and thats as far as it goes. If I switch the phone to 4G,…
All server of US , HK, Singapore,Italy can not connet for me
Hi Why Freedom not good one VPN??? Some location servers can not connected for me and using it... Please fix this problem and your speed of Freedom is Slow ...Performance and Speed is important for one vpn appication All server of US . Hong Kong , Singgapore , Italy is down for me...
New subscription XXXXXXXXX
I placed order using my phone. I received confirmation letter. I downloaded to activate. I entered info to create account. But it never requested my subscription code. It was treating me like a trial user. I uninstalled to retry it. Did not work. How can I activate.
Do you have plans to implement wireguard as alternative to openvpn? If yes: schedule? support for linux? Important to know how to plan future renewal of subscriptions by F-secure.
Subscription code
Jag hittade inte Subscription coden .vart hittade jag den. MVH
Installation on Google Pixel XL / Android 9
Hello, I have Google Pixel XL device with Android 9 on board. And I can not install F-Secure FREEDOME VPN product as far as it marked as "This app is incompatible with all of your devices." Why my Google's flagship device is not supported there? Thank You
Norwegian VIAPLAY/VIAFREE won't work
Hey! My Norwegian VPN will not work with viaplay/viafree. I live in the U.S. and would really appreaciate if this is fixed.
Stopped working in Norway
My freedome is not working. Cannot look at nrk tv.
Internet connection over wireless networks stops working when Freedome is started (Windows 10)
Hi, I have an HP Elitebook 850 laptop with Windows 10. I haven't used the Freedome for a while and now when I try the Internet connection does not work over WLAN. Troubleshooter of Windows could not identify the problem. There are these in network connections FreedomeVPNconnection - Unindentified network - Freedome TAP…
VPN Norway is not working on my mac and iphone anymore?
I cant see anything anymore. Not been working the last 3 days for me.
When FreedomVPN will be top at this list?
I am user of F-secure products for a long time, but it does not figure in any top lists ever. I think they should work better to get known, I am looking forward when I will be able to see it somwhere here, https://vpnpro.com/blog/vpn-market-share-overview/ cause its worth it to be in the best vpn lists.
cannot view comments from articles on viafoura
on the nj.com/yankees the articles show there are many comments and when i click on the space to open and read the comments it states that there are no comments yet. but the article states there are many comments on the articles in question. this is run by viafoura. i see others are having same problem. any help would be…
Freedome for Linux?
Hi, All these threads about Freedome for Linux are pretty old. So I ask again, are there still no plans for Freedome for Linux? I'm just about to switch from Win and have used Freedome until now. Would really be nice to renew my subscription, but if there's no plans for Linux... Best regards Anders
freedome blocks my internet
https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/Freedome-blocking-internet/td-p/81530 my lap top internet turns off or wont conect why freedome is trying to connect or on it says i have an unsecure netwok and wont work but as soon as i trun it off im back on line help plz
Recover Lost Key F-secure Freedome
Hello! I would like to reinstall F-secure Freedome but I have lost the key. Reffering https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure/How-can-I-recover-a-lost-product/td-p/89436
Freedome and some sites that errors out on login
I have this happen at my mortgage site and also at the Credit Karma site. When you enter the user name and password, the site will error out with not being able to log you in and to try at a different time. You can try all you want but when freedome is "On" but if you turn it "Off" you can gain access to the account. Has…
Subscription issued.
I bought a 3 device vpn in November for a year's subscription. When I log into the freedome website it says that my subscription has expired and it doesn't recognise my subscription code.
I can't connect to any location after updating F-Secure Freedome
After updating to version 2.25.5766.0 I can't connect F-Secure to any location. If I reinstall it (older version) then only I can connect to any desired location. The new version is not helping to connect locations. How can I connect to locations with this updated one ?
Unable to start F-secure freedom
I have had the F-secure Freedom installed on my Mac Mini for several years. Today it refused to start. I uninstalled it using the Mackeeper.app and installed it again. The installation ended with "Could not configure the app. Restart Freedom and try again." I restarted, to no avail. I uninstalled the app, shut down the…
Freedome battery usage shot up in Android 9
After my phone Nokia 5 recently updated to Android 9, battery drain by Freedome has shot up alarmingly and it's now the app clearly with highest battery drain. E.g. now with 66% battery left (12 hours after full charge), Freedome has used 17% (1 hr 7min) and the second highest app Skype only 4%. Most of the time during the…
Is there a way to know which subscription code is in use by the Freedome desktop application?
I'm wondering if it is possible to view subscription code that the Windows version of the Freedome desktop application is currently using. Is it possible to view currently used subscription code within the application? The Order ("Tilaus" in finnish) tab doesn't reveal the code. The Order tab is accessible through the main…
Purchased through safari, can’t use on windows.
I purchased FREEDOME VPN through the safari browser on my apple phone. I selected 3 devices and completed the purchase. I received an an email with a code but states it is for iOS only. When looking at the FAQs it states if you have purchased through apple store or google play you are limited to the OS. A link is provided…
Unable To Install F-Secure.... Windows Cannot Find.... Make Sure You Typed The Name Correctly
Unable To Install....Anyone Can Solve This Problem....?