Re: Vpn is not connecting on win10

BigHouse Posts: 2 New Member

Freedome works fine with both of my Android devices and all three of my iOS devices. Beginning recently, it stopped working with both of my Windows 10 devices. At first, Freedome would not install. With what appears to be a recent reconfiguration of the installer, Freedome now installs but continually shows a "Connecting ON" status. While Freedome is in this "Connecting ON" status, both of my Windows 10 devices cannot communicate outside my LAN (i.e., with the internet).


  • Jaims
    Jaims Posts: 846 Former F-Secure Employee

    Hi @BigHouse 


    Although it works well on your mobile phones, it could be an issue with your network. Could you try to reinstall using another connection, maybe mobile hotspot and see if that works. If issue persists, kindly contact our support so we could inviestigate further for you.

  • BigHouse
    BigHouse Posts: 2 New Member

    I'll try but it will be tomorrow before I'll have the time.

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