problem after transfer

Rudolphus Posts: 4 New Member

I have a 3 devices subscription. All in use. Last weekend my iPhone resetted itself and a backup needed to be installed. Freedome needed to be activated on it as well but said after providing the purchase code no devices could be added. So I told it I wanted to activate a license on my phone. No problem there.

Since Freedome on my macbook pro won't connect anymore.. It keeps trying and while it is doing so I do not have internet acces. When turned of Internet access returns immediately. The information Freedome itself gives says nothing is the matter. Subscription is active, protection is on etc. Thanks for helping. R


  • Hello @Rudolphus 


    Please have a look of this KB article describe how to transfer the license and activate correctly. 


    Regarding your Freedome not connecting, please provide us the version of Freedome running on your Mac machine and you can try disabling( untick) the Kill Switch feature from Settings on your Freedome VPN and check again. 

  • Rudolphus
    Rudolphus Posts: 4 New Member

    Version, as found  onder programmes,, right click, show info: 2.25.5764.0

  • Rudolphus
    Rudolphus Posts: 4 New Member

    As for your other instruction, please provide a screenshot of the Freedome vpn tab. I was logged in with the e-mail address I boughtthe licence with but I did not see my subscription. Only a 3/3 devices free trial


    1. Log in to My F-Secure with your account username and password.
    2. Select the FREEDOME VPN tab.
    3. Locate the device you want to release FREEDOME license from, and select Release license.
  • Rudolphus
    Rudolphus Posts: 4 New Member

    Ok, re-installing did the trick. It's working now. Thanks

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