Route Tor traffic through Freedome
Hello, Does anyone know if it's possible to route all Tor traffic through Freedome? If yes, how would one go about doing that and if not will it be possible in the future? Cheers
Please delete
Please delete
Blocking iPhone apps
I am using Freedome VPN (ver# on my iPhone. Just upgraded to the yearly subscription last week. I find that it is preventing me from signing onto one of my apps that I use often. I can turn off Freedome and sign in to the app then start Freedome again and it works fine. Is there anyway to add apps into some…
All torrents stopped until I turn off Freedome?
What is stopping my downloads?It use to work find, now it will only works when I stop Freedome??
Hello my Freedome vpn is working on my phone anymore,
Refund Required
Hi Purchased Freedome 2 weeks ago. Under my Account, I am told tht the trial has ended.. This totally unprofessional and I require a full refund. Marse
Safe licence expired, Freedom still active but I can't access it
Hi, I had both a Safe and freedom license. By mistake, because only freedom vpn is my choice. Now that safe has expired, it is strange because I can't activate freedom on my different devices (phone and PC). On my f-secure account there is only the Safe utility that asks me to renew my subscription. And since I don't,…
Freedome VPN, Kryptik and Coinminer
I have problems with two diffrent trojans right now that used SEHOP to install qbittorrent when my firewall(from another vendor) blocked the SEHOP activity and the IP. Probably to be able to bypass firewall. There's only two antitrojan and antimalware programs that been able to find the trojan. Of course none of them were…
freedom vpn stop working in dubai
i’m using freedom vpn here in uae 3 months ago and it was working fine ... today unfortunately it stop working and it won’t connect again
Freedome on Apple Watch
Hello, I was wondering how important is it to install Freedome on an Apple Watch (WiFi only)? And how much battery/energy is it using? Thanks Claus
unable to use freedom vpn. it connects but no internet browsing. I changed dns settings, but nothing worked.
Freedom license for Android disappeared
Hi, I bought 3 licenses of Freedom VPN in the cyber Monday sale. I used one on my PC and one on my Android phone. They worked great. Suddenly, the license from my phone disappeared and the VPN is no longer registered (the license in my PC works as usual). How can I troubleshoot the issue? Thanks
In the US, I get a message saying: "you cannot install Freedome in this location. The Freedome insta
Hi, Just purchased a Freedome one year license... in the US... and getting a message sayin "you cannot install Freedome in this location. The Freedome installer does not allow its software to be intsalled here'. WHAT DO I DO? Thanks!!!
Freedome won't connect to any location (Windows 7)
Hello there. So I am a bit at loss here. I've had Freedome for about a month now and it has been working just fine up until a few days ago when it just stopped connecting to any location. It will just stay in the "connecting" stage for forever. I've tried all kinds of locations so it shouldn't be a problem with the…
My subscription has ended 11 months earlier
My subscription should end on the 15 November 2019. However, the connection to Freedome began to slow down yesterday night and when I was trying to restart the app, it tells me that my subscription has ended although I still have 11 months to go.
Which port does Freedome use?
Does it use UDP or TCP protocol? If it uses TCP, which port does it use?
Network Printer is not found if Freedome ON
Whenever I want tp print something, I have to OFFline Freedome as my computer does not find the printer anymore when connected to freedome. What can I do to avoid going ON and OFF all the time?
F-Secure and YouTube "Restrcited" playback on Gooogle Chrome
I have had this issue for a little while now and had turned off F-Safe online and on my PC to no avail.. I was recommended by F-SECURE to try using Youtube on Edge and IE.. and they both worked... I managed to solved the problem on Chrome by turning off the "Browsing Protection by F-Secure" extension.
How to get license key resend ?
I recently prolongued my Freedome subscription for a year (for 3 devices). On one of my devices I immediately entered the new license key, which is working fine. I can however nowhere find this key back (mail / online) to use it on my other devices. Can someone explain where I can find back my license ? Kris,
Hello, Please tell me why my program does not accept the subscription code? I received a link to the program and a code to my email from noreply@f-secure.com with the subject of the letter "Ihre exklusive F-Secure FREEDOME Lizenz" I downloaded the program from the link, the program was installed and wrote that…
On free trial
On free trial to see how good it is. But can’t access player
Cancelling sub after no service in China
I was happy to go with Freedome as it is FINNISH. I thought if it's Finnish it must work. However, it did not work in China. I replied the receipt e-mail asking for a refund (promised within 30 day period), to no reply. Reference XXXXXXX. However, I would be happy to continue with Freedome e.g. with a partial refund, given…
Freedome Mac trial blocks activation of subscription, had to uninstall
Hi, I installed the Freedome mac trial. This morning it was showing that the trial will expire tomorrow but all network connections were blocked. Even though I turned off the Freedome I was not able to connect to internet. I had killswitch activated. The license activation did not succeed maybe because Freedome was…
i want to use area51 streming apk but freedome wont allow it to connect
can anybody advise on this issue
allowed apps
if i allow an app in freedom , will this activity then be visible by my isp ?
Freedome account id
I haven’t received this so am unable to activate on my iPad any ideas?
Unable to configure Chromecast with Freedome ON
There's no proper wifi in my home. Instead I use my Samsung Galaxy S8 as a mobile hotspot for any other unit that needs access to the internet. A couple of days ago I finally bought a Chromecast (3rd gen.) to get rid of the looong HDMI-cable I've used for connecting my laptop to the tv. With my phone - with Freedome ON -…
Freedome slows down speed
I have 100 Mbps line. When Freedome is on the download speed drops down to 5-7Mbps. When I turn Freedome off it jumps to 50-60Mbps. Streaming works in irritating on/off mode. What can be done?
iTunes purchase - how to share Freedome to Windows laptop?
1. I have purchased FREEDOME through iTunes and the application works on my Apple phone. 2. I'm made to understand that i am paying for more than one licence only. How can i share this licence to my Windows laptop and onto my MacPro. Thanks in advance
Auto subscription
Hello, I want to change my subscription from auto renewal to fixed. However it won't let me as Freedome is not availiable in the App store my phone uses. How can I change this?