Freedome Sweeden Node causing access problems to my website
When Freedome is disable, I have no problem accessing http://teaz.me. When enable, during this past week I keep seeeing this 522 error. I don't know if this is a CloudFlare issue but they are indicating that their connection is fine but that the server is not responding (in this case, your Sweedish node). Are you…
Dont create connection, netsh.exe fails
Hi! I have VPN initialization error. Windows 7 x64, last version FSfreedome. Issue with network configuration (netsh.exe fails). I enable IPv6, but its error repeated. How solve the problem?
problem with 3 month subscription code for new user
i have a 3 month subscription code that i got for new register user, when i try to enter the code in freedome that freedome set me to my email, it keep show that the code "the code is not correct" why? it tell us that the expired is on 2016... i try to enter again and still not working.. anyone have similar problem?
Using Freedome reduce a lot my bandwidth?
Without Freedome, 55Mbps Download speed and 45Mbps Upload Speed. With Freedome, 23Mbps Download Speed and 20Mbps Upload Speed. It's still high of course but I can't figure out why it reduces my bandwidth like that? I'm based in Paris and I'm using Paris location... Any ideas?
Thank you for the useful info in this section (Freedome)
Thanks for the useful info in this section
I have F-secure freedom I need to run a scan on my computer i keep getting virus warnings and random
I have F-secure freedom I need to run a scan on my computer i keep getting virus warnings and random pop up ads and explorere stopped working
Installation Error
When trying to reinstall the F-Secure Freedome VPN on my Android phone (Verizon Motorola) I get the following error msg: "unknown error code during application install -24 android". I've tried several times from my Google Apps and from the Google Play Store, with no success.
Freedome blocks World of Tanks
In order to run "World of Tanks" on my windows 7 PC, I must disable the F-Secure Freedome VPN. Is there a way or configuration to make it possible to run "W.O.T" without turning off the VPN?
Freedome for Mac
In another thread from 2013 you describe that Freedome is coming to Mac OS X "later" this year. I couldn't find updated information from anywhere or any official statement about Mac support. Any chance you could update the Freedome for Mac schedule for us? Would you need / accept beta testers?
Windows 10 Build 10130 and Freedome no Internet access
Morning people! I have a fresh install of Windows 10 Enterprise Build 10130 where I installed Freedome. When connecting it changes my WiFi adapters DNS Server to and will not give me internet access. Directly upon Disconnecting I get the correct DNS Servers again. Any ideas?
http://www.canvasopedia.org/ on Freedome results in "Server Not Found"???
I can go to http://www.canvasopedia.org/ fine when Freedome is turned off, but when it is turned on, in Firefox I get: "Server not found". Is Freedome failing to correctly do DNS lookups? I'd expect if the url was blocked for some reason it would say "blocked", this looks like the DNS through Freedome isn't able to resolve…
Craigslist.org is blocking Freedome with US exit node...
Please contact Craigslist to unblock the F-Secure Freedome US exit node IP(s): Going to: http://sfbay.craigslist.org/ Results in: This IP has been automatically blocked. If you have questions, please email: blocks-b1434004423911622@craigslist.org
Device reinstalls & management
Hi, I'm now using Freedome on Windows, Android and iOS and very much appreciating it on all platforms. It's the easiest to use VPN across all platforms! Fast, works well. Thank you for a great product! As a technical user who reinstalls Windows and puts custom ROMs on my Android devices, I was wondering how Freedome…
When I connect Tokyo, JP "upload flow" = "download traffic ', resulting in very slow network
When I connect Tokyo, JP "upload flow" = "download traffic ', resulting in very slow network(175kbyte/s)The browser displays nothing freedome for windows(last version) windows 7 64bit(last version) And what this happen?
solved---windows 7 : FSecure Freedome sudden Expired with no reason
hi I have 3-machine license, and Freedome still works on android & notebook but on desktop after rebooting shown expierd what can I do? Edit: Reactivation successful thanx
Would be interesting to know what sites that have been blocked not just the number.
"14 sites have been blocked" Witch ones?
Unable to start my account
Help me please! I just bought the newest version of freedome , after the test phase, which went without any problem on my window 8.1 system. But now: It doesn´t work at all! I have installed that freedome software at least 8 times, it won´t start or let me activate my account!!!!!!!!!!!! It says "Reinstallation in…
Freedome blocks MMS on Android
Freedome blocks MMS on Android Samsung Galaxy s5 in the USA. When Freedome protection is on MMS is blocked in both directions. When Freedome protection is off MMS can be sent and received as before. I am not sure if this is a port issue or a Verizon issue. (contacting Verizon was not helpful). If there is a setup work…
Freedome, Fitted new hard drive to pc, now code is not accepted
I have a 12 month 3 device subscription. I have used all 3, one on the phone, one on the tablet, and one on the PC. I have had to fit a new hard drive to my PC. I cannot get the subscription code to work now. (I suspect this is because I would probably appear to be trying to install on a fourth device) Can anyone help?…
Surfstöld av Freedom
Mellan 1 - 3 juni drog/stal Freedom 201 Mb. Finns det någon förklaring till dragningen? Haca
Streaming from "gray" sources?
I know that torrents are not allowed on USA servers but what about non torrent movie streaming? I often use my tablet to watch shows/movies that I have a legal right to (own the disc or subscribe to the network or it is fta) but some ISP's see this the same as torrenting even though it is a HTTP protocol and makes no copy…
what exactly is unblocked? it would appear near everything is blocked for some strange reason (and no it's nothing to do with windows firewall) RDP ports blocked, game ports blocked and other common ports. they also seem to be proxying traffic Proof:…
Mac: FSecure Freedome Crashed, re-installed, now code doesn't work
My FSecure Freedome Mac client crashed to the point where I had to completely remove and reinstall, it wouldn't even open up until I did so. I deleted the app and the user Library files, and then was able to reinstall, but then my product code would not work. I had 3-machine license, and Freedome still works on my iPhone…
Freedome not working with WLAN, only 3G (iOS7.1.2)
As title says; Freedome is not working with WLAN, it doesn't enable, and always suggests to reinstall certificate. It works fine with 3G though. I created a video and submitted it to F-Secure via Support request (F-Secure Customer Care: 00301877), but they redirected me to this newsgroup. Any ideas?
IOS 8.3
I've a big problem with F-Secure on my Iphone 6+ Version 8.3 // All the time a window telling me about a well known problem with IOS 8 asking me to reboot the phone. I tried this in vain several times, made a new installation of the App- no result. On the IPad the software works properly??
I cannot update to the latest version of F-Secure Freedome on my Windows 7 64-bit PC.
I am using F-Secure Freedome on my Windows 7 SP1 64-bit PC. All Microsoft updates are up-to-date. I am unable to update to the latest version. Having the latest version installed is important, as it likely includes security updates (since it contains OpenVpn + Libraries that are being updated due to vulnerabilities). The…
Freedome uninstall and remove key register
I have a small problem, in an attempt to delete a registry key. After trying the program F-Secure Freedome licensed, I decided to uninstall it. After uninstalling through Control Panel / Programs / Uninstall a Program I ran a search for the remaining folders, they remained 3, removed manually, performing a search of the…
Freedome blocking browsing
Installing Fsecure internet security and freedome simultaneously seems to block freedome from working properly. If I uninstall internet security, it works again. I have two other divices where I have no such problem, and they can coexcist. My system is windows 8.1, and my other computer is 8.1 too and it works there. It…
Is OpenVPN Daemon related to F-Secure Freedome?
I noticed OpenVPN Daemon process running on my computer. I've used other VPN service providers in the past.
After reinstalling Freedome Windows to newest version, cannot activate
Help needed I have 1 year license for 3 windows devices. I uninstalled Freedome from my desktop (win 7 64 SP1) in order to install newest version 1.0.1517.0. Installation went OK but activation failed. Message was: Unable to confirm your code. Try again laiter. Only my laptop (win 8.1 pro) is activated OK. How can I…