Need to reinstall - multi-platform subscriptions



I have a 3 device subscription, valid till Feb 2016, and installed Freedome on 3 devices. Is it true that every reinstallation  takes a seat on multi-platform subscriptions? I need to reinstall 1 device, but this is holding me back. 




  • Tehfcae
    Tehfcae Posts: 107 Contributor
    From my understanding, and I may be wrong. But Freedome uses a device ID for the subscription. So an uninstall and re-install should be fine. However, you may not be able to uninstall from one device and install onto another.
  • Tx, I think I found the dissapointing answer in another thread:


    Currently one installation always takes one subscription, and the subscription cannot be reused.
    We are considering the reinstallation scenarios and there might be a better solution to that at some point in the future.
  • I have had to wipe and reinstall on my Android device due to corruption issues, and have just registered with Freedome again on the 5 device license. I still have two devices to install on (3 devices registered), so I'm hoping it's not the case?

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