Surfstöld av Freedom
Mellan 1 - 3 juni drog/stal Freedom 201 Mb. Finns det någon förklaring till dragningen? Haca
Streaming from "gray" sources?
I know that torrents are not allowed on USA servers but what about non torrent movie streaming? I often use my tablet to watch shows/movies that I have a legal right to (own the disc or subscribe to the network or it is fta) but some ISP's see this the same as torrenting even though it is a HTTP protocol and makes no copy…
what exactly is unblocked? it would appear near everything is blocked for some strange reason (and no it's nothing to do with windows firewall) RDP ports blocked, game ports blocked and other common ports. they also seem to be proxying traffic Proof:…
Mac: FSecure Freedome Crashed, re-installed, now code doesn't work
My FSecure Freedome Mac client crashed to the point where I had to completely remove and reinstall, it wouldn't even open up until I did so. I deleted the app and the user Library files, and then was able to reinstall, but then my product code would not work. I had 3-machine license, and Freedome still works on my iPhone…
Freedome not working with WLAN, only 3G (iOS7.1.2)
As title says; Freedome is not working with WLAN, it doesn't enable, and always suggests to reinstall certificate. It works fine with 3G though. I created a video and submitted it to F-Secure via Support request (F-Secure Customer Care: 00301877), but they redirected me to this newsgroup. Any ideas?
IOS 8.3
I've a big problem with F-Secure on my Iphone 6+ Version 8.3 // All the time a window telling me about a well known problem with IOS 8 asking me to reboot the phone. I tried this in vain several times, made a new installation of the App- no result. On the IPad the software works properly??
I cannot update to the latest version of F-Secure Freedome on my Windows 7 64-bit PC.
I am using F-Secure Freedome on my Windows 7 SP1 64-bit PC. All Microsoft updates are up-to-date. I am unable to update to the latest version. Having the latest version installed is important, as it likely includes security updates (since it contains OpenVpn + Libraries that are being updated due to vulnerabilities). The…
Freedome uninstall and remove key register
I have a small problem, in an attempt to delete a registry key. After trying the program F-Secure Freedome licensed, I decided to uninstall it. After uninstalling through Control Panel / Programs / Uninstall a Program I ran a search for the remaining folders, they remained 3, removed manually, performing a search of the…
Freedome blocking browsing
Installing Fsecure internet security and freedome simultaneously seems to block freedome from working properly. If I uninstall internet security, it works again. I have two other divices where I have no such problem, and they can coexcist. My system is windows 8.1, and my other computer is 8.1 too and it works there. It…
Is OpenVPN Daemon related to F-Secure Freedome?
I noticed OpenVPN Daemon process running on my computer. I've used other VPN service providers in the past.
After reinstalling Freedome Windows to newest version, cannot activate
Help needed I have 1 year license for 3 windows devices. I uninstalled Freedome from my desktop (win 7 64 SP1) in order to install newest version 1.0.1517.0. Installation went OK but activation failed. Message was: Unable to confirm your code. Try again laiter. Only my laptop (win 8.1 pro) is activated OK. How can I…
Two different users with the same IP address?
So I run a small business, and we were hit by a bunch of fraud coming from a specific IP address. Later, a new customer that seemed ok tried to purchase something from us from the same IP address. He really wants to do business with us, but I'm hesitant to assume he's ok. I pointed out we had trouble with this IP address…
Code injected - fOUND a Virus in Freedome !!!!
In the last update of Freedome (1.0.1517.0) discovered a virus, caught with dowload. Another security product that I have found. I was disappointing with F-Secure !!!! Malware name --- EID_pe_iscorrupted
Can't connect to Freedom
Haven't been able to connect to any location in freedom lately. Have rebooted a couple of time but doesn't seem to change anything, nothing new installed recently. Please assist.
Troubleshooting Windows version of Freedome?
I received the beta link today and installed the application successfully. However, I can't successfully connect to any of the servers available. Any suggestions on where to look? Thx!
VPN not working
The VPN connection on my iPhone 6 Plus is not working since 8pm (UK time). Neither of the virtual locations work. I always get this message: Could not turn on VPN. Try again later or try another virtual location
Reimbursement of unused beta discount
Hi I bought Freedome for 3 devices for 12 months and paid the full price of 49.90 euro. Before the purchsse I was already using the beta version, and only after the purchase I saw in the beta version the offer for the same package for 24.95 euro. Is it possible to get the "extra" 24.95 I paid back? I paid my purchase with…
Geolocation options
Hello, I have been using f-secure successfully for the past few weeks, with my location set to Germany, but now the location has changed to Netherlands and I can't seem tobe able to change it back as it only gives me two options: USA or Netherlands. Any suggestions? Thank you.
Freedome Tunneling Options
I'm curious what sort of capabilities exist within Freedome to bypass measures that may be used to censor or block Freedome users. Are there ways to enable different tunneling techniques currently? If not, will there be in the future? I understand that the beauty of Freedome is it's simplicity. However, it's a reality that…
Blocked website count
Hello, I am currently trialing Freedome & noticed something a bit concerning. As Freedome blocks a website, it is added the blocked site counter. Well, at one point the counter was 53 blocked websites. I happened to restore my computer to an older backup image from a few days ago (when the blocked website count was around…
Tracking protection has stopped working after upgrading.
Hi, I upgraded from Freedome-beta to the final version. Now the tracking blocking has stopped working. How can I fix this? I have got this same problem on two different Mac OS X 10.9.5 computers. I have bought a licens, but it didn´t help.
premature subscription cancellation
I purchased F-Secure Freedome on March 20, 2015 on iTunes. I paid $29.99 for a full year subscription. I have an iPad and two iPhones. The iPad and one iPhone work fine. The second iPhone says my 'free' subscription has expired. I used the 'Manage Subscription' which told me my subscription had expired and gave me the…
Problem validating voucher
I've purchased a 5 device license for Freedome and when I'm trying to use a code on my compuer (MacOSX) I get "Error. Could not verify your code. Please try again" after >30 seconds (timeout?). When I'm trying to use a code on my phone (iOS) i get a similar error.
Freedom activation failed
Hello, I have freedom activation problem in iPad. I purchased licence( 3 devices, one is activated in android phone) from fsecure web page and tried to activate it in iPad(2nd device). I have network connection (tested) and the trial version of freedom worked fine in my ipad. I tried restarting, wifi on and off,…
How do I "completely" uninstall Freedome for Mac...???
How do I "completely" uninstall Freedome for Mac (OS X 10.9.5 (13F1077)).....??? Regards / Stefan F
iPad used for data collection via wifi
I use my iPad to collect data vith a TCP connection, port 2000. Cannot reconfigure the transmitting device. It seems that this data link does not work when Freedome is on. My test period is over, Freedome removed and the link works normally again. Something to be done with Freedome on my iPad.
Re-installing needed to get back to Espoo server.
I was facing constant jamming of connection to Espoo server last week. First it was possible to solve it by just restarting the freedome. But then I was not able to get to Finland anymore even with another vpn service. Re-installing did regain connection. BUT the problem reoccured daily and now I can not get the code to…
New Installation
I had to uninstall Freedome for some problems that appeared . But when installing again Freedome, is always saying I have to see my Internet connection ! When there is no problem with the Internet connection! I try to enter the code and have no program response !??
No network
Hi, I try to subscribe with my code, but it keeps telling me I don't have network connection. Clearly it is working as I'm writing this message. Thank you in advance!
icon indication of "network..no internet connection"
Although I have internet connection, why do my internet icon have an exclamation mark (!) indicating no network connection while F-secure freedome is running?