Freedome: instant blue screen

I am sorry that you are experiencing the same issue.
I received a private email from F-Secure asking to collect lots of information concerning the system and send that to them.
I haven't had the time to do that and I plan to try Freedome on another computer next.
The one where it does not work but creates that blue screen is like this: Win 7 32-bit SP1, Intel Core 2 Duo E8600, 4 GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 4800, and (still version 2013 of) F-Secure Internet Security.
BR, Pauli
That issue often occues due to corrupt drivers. It may not nessisarly be Freedome causing it, however, I am not seeing your computer or what is happening imidiatly prior to blue screening so I can not give a definate answer on that.
With all Blue Screens you should check the action center for updates. If F-secure needs an update that could resolve the issue aswell. You may need to uninstall and reinstall Freedome.