Freedom filtered protocols

I'm interested into getting the Freedom VPN solution. However, I'd like to know if Freedom is protocol agnostic, in other words, do you only allow HTTP/HTTPS on port 80 and 443 or do you also allow any ports/protocols.
For instance, what about SSH, fancy web proxies tcp-ports, torrent, snmp etc... etc...
Are you just carrying "any" network traffic/protocol ?
Hi Tehcfae,
Whether it's OpenVPN or IPSec, once a VPN is established, it will create a virtual interface through which any traffic can flow and get routed normally (appart from MTU issues that can happen).
My question is more to know, once the traffic gets out of the VPN tunnel on the Freedom/FSecure devices, whether or not they are filtering some ports/protocols. I've read for instance that torrent is blocked on some of their gateways, depending on the country.
But appart from that, is this a non-filtered service ? Will it let it flow any traffic, any protocol ?
The point is I'm not interested in a service allowing only web surfing. The internet is much more than HTTP/HTTPS.
Coud you confirm which type of fortinet device in is use.
Could you also confirm that the ports from this article are allowed on this environement?