Freedome on Certain Networks

I was wondering if there is any way to activate Freedome only on certain networks.  I basically want it to automatically disconnect when I'm on my home network, so I can use things that are behind my home firewall, and then reconnect when I'm at places like work or public wifi.  I have Tasker and use it for various similar things, but I would need a way for Tasker to tell Freedome to connect not just start the app and disconnect not just kill the app.  Has anyone tried anything like this?  Thanks for any suggestions!

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  • Bayani
    Bayani Posts: 58 Enthusiast

    Hi irotsoma,


    Thanks for your feedback.


    I don't have the answer for you right now but will check with our technicians if it is possible to activate Freedome on certain networks. Will get back to you.

  • irotsoma
    irotsoma Posts: 2

    Thanks for the reply.  I'll look forward to the feature.

  • amrs
    amrs Posts: 3

    I have a related question: I want the  VPN to be always on but I also want the ability to access my home network when I'm in it. So right now when I'm home if VPN is on my phone can't connect to my computers or TV or toaster or whatever since Freedome seemingly forces all traffic into the VPN pipe. So hopefully it's also on the roadmap that local IP addresses like are not routed to the VPN? I think this is normal behaviour, at least the VPN I use on Linux works like that. 


    I have about 20 days left of my 6 month freebie Freedome. I hope you can fix this in that time or I may have to look elsewhere.


  • Hello,


    Local network exclusion support is also in the short-term roadmap, but I'm afraid it won't happen in 3 weeks. But it's coming that I can promise.






  • Is this fixed now.
    This will be a good fix to an already awesome product.
  • amrs
    amrs Posts: 3
    Well, it doesn't look like it's coming in the short term since it has been five months already. There's even a question in the forum about Chromecast which also can't be used due to this and the answer is just "no".

    So could you make F-Secure's position clear on this? Bonus points for explaining the why if you can.
  • Hello,


    This feature request is next in our research agenda for Android. I update you with our schedule estimate in 1-2 weeks.



  • Hello,


    Here comes the update.


    We have now a working prototype for the split tunnel feature. However, there's still some work to do in order to get that to work on all supported Android versions. The target release date is in few weeks.




  • Yesterday, I got a demo on this new feature. So, it's finally coming. Still some testing and fine-tuning and we are ready to release it. :)


    Thanks for your patience.



  • amrs
    amrs Posts: 3

    Good to know, thanks for the update.


  • Alexco
    Alexco Posts: 6 New Member



    I noticed a new version of Freedome was posted to the Google Play Store yesterday.


    Does the new version include this feature?


    Really looking forward for this.



  • Hello,


    Not yet on this one, but it will be released this week. One bug was still found during the testing last week and it got fixed on Friday.


    Looking forward to get your feedback when the feature is finally available for you to test.



  • Hello All,


    Now the feature is finally released! :) Please give it a try and let us know how it works.




  • Alexco
    Alexco Posts: 6 New Member

    Thanks for the update.

    So far the trusted wi-fi networks feature works well.

    I would suggest prompting the user to turn it on the first time freedome is used with a new wi-fi network. Otherwise the user needs to know or find out there is such a feature under Settings.

  • Thanks for the feedback. We add your suggestion to the back log.

This discussion has been closed.

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