Block popup on f-secure safe Iphone
First I want to apologize if this question is already on the forum, but I am using google translator so my quest is very difficult to achieve, so I decided to create this topic. My question is whether you can lock or unlock all pop-up windows in f-secure safe browser for iPhone can do the same on safari. Thanks.
Next time not F-secure
Bought licens for 5 computers yesterday. After three houers I have succeded to install F-secure on 1. Actually I have not time to spend on this. For one of the computurs I have installed AVAST instead. The problems where of many (alla) kinds. From diffulties to menaeuver on F-secure web site. To installations abortions.…
Look I really need a point of contact This dumb brother of mine in hacking me and being stupid. But he think's he can rape, hack and steal and can't be touched
Hei, osaako joku vinkata mistä saan käyttöoikeuskoodin My Safe portaalissa (3 x 4 merkkiä)
current windows unsupported
Hi, I am having problems installing the download. I have had to change my internet settings to chrome so i can even see the install button but it still comes up with 'Your current version of windows is not supported please check your system settings' I have uninstalled my old antivirus and i can't see what else i need to…
Minecraft forge
Has anyone any idea, if Minecraft forge is virus free? If so, does an installing of it go through smoothly or does F-Secure Safe prevent it? Thanks of any information.
Internet Security key doesn't work after going to Windows 10
Hello everybody, I've been using F-Secure Internet Security on my desktop with Windows 7 for a while now, but after upgrading to Windows 10 I couldn't get it to work. I found my product code, so I figured uninstalling the software and installing it again would work. However, even after uninstalling with the official…
f-secure booster
after installing f-secure booster and running the program I have lost my fingerprint reader and my simple pass does not work . i have a hp pavillion dv7 laptop . windows 7 . internet explorer browser .
Does Internet Security 2015 have a log?
Does Internet Security 2015 on Wondows 10 or 8.1 have a log? If so, how do I access it? I've had a couple of instances where it's removed files or disabled downloads of files (thankfully!), but I'd love to know exactly what it found and where.
Exploit:SWF/CVE-2015-5119 on my computer
Got this keylogger trojan, found out because my ISP notified me. It got past F Secure and I'm hoping it gets fixed. My ISP directed me to the Microsoft Safety Scanner. It can run with F Secure, no ned to disable it. Go here for the free download http://www.microsoft.com/security/scanner/en-us/default.aspx I ran the quick…
app in google store will not allow download
I have a valid, ongoing subscription to F-secure safe which I use on my computer. I accidentally cancelled the connection to my smartphone and now when I try to reactivate it, I am told that the subscription has expired. How do I put this right?
scan not working after upgrading to windows 10
i upgraded my system yesterday from windows 7 to windows 10 but i it has issues with f secure. first f secure showed malfunction and asked to restart. after restart warning disappeared but i found that scan is not working. also after upgrade microsoft defender automatically started and it detected some default tab registry…
F-Secure SAFE installer will not execute (Windows 10)
I just combated through Windows 10 upgrade from Windows 7 (64bit). However, now after upgrading F-Secure SAFE installer that I downloaded from mysafe-portal, will not execute. It simply appears to be doing nothing. Download looks successful and I re-downloaded the installer as well. What to do? Suggestions?
Charter Security Suite will not install even after they removed my existing antivirus
This is important to me because I am a quadriplegic who relies on my laptop to connect me to the world outside my bed aND MY SMART TV for entertainment.I tried unsuccessfully to load Charter Security Suite, I then contacted Charter tech support on 7/30 who took me through gotoassist - He confirmed that I had no existing…
Antivir blocks downloads and some pages
hi all, my Antivir blocks all kind of downloads at 99%, many of my daily viewed sites are looking weird, pictures are not shown or cut in to pieces. On this page too, i had to refresh it 5 times to get it shown, also got an error (something like "page encoding error" or this " ssl_error_bad_mac_read" ) Should i reinstall…
Windows 10 Turns off Antivirus
Almost everyday when i log on, windows security pops up asking to turn on Antivirus It shows a list Windows Defender and FSecure Antivirus both saying there off? so i turn FSecure back on and its fine but then it happens a few days later. Version: Windows 10 Pro
Windows 10 Problems
Hi I have upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10. Despite having 81 days left on my annual subscription via Virgin Media, FSecure on my computer is reporting that it has expired. I would try and shut down FSecure and re-start it, but none of the buttons or tabs work. I have tried to re-install from MySAFE but it just tells…
XSS testing
Content removed. adeelimtiaz90, if you would like to perform security testing on Community, kindly contact security@f-secure.com Thank you.
Site wrongly flagged
I am having users complain that F-secure is flagging my site. Can you please look into it and change the status? http://www.simplecove.com is the url. Please let me know if their is anything I can do on my end.
Windows 10
Terve. Miten saan asennettua f-securen uuteen windows 10 ??
Transfer subscription
Hi, my laptop had broken and I know have a new one, and I need to transfer my subscription to my new laptop, I have 3 computers covered, I have sussed out that I should be able to cancel one and then use the key on my new one, I dont know how to go about cancelling the subscription? also when you go to view your…
F-secure fails to detect Cryptowall 3.0
My environment installed with F-secure Workstation version 11.01 build 104 With Deep Guard 5.0 build 411 installed , the cryptowall 3.0 go undetected Any recommendation ?
Booster poisti läppäristä akkukäytön!
Asensin läppäriin ilmaisversion Boosterista. Asennuksen jälkeen ajoin puhdistuksen ja virran optimoinnin. Tuloksen oli, että läppäristä hävisi akkukäyttö kokonaan. Läppäri ilmoittaa, että varaustila on 0% ja ehdottaa vaihtamaan akun! Ennen Boosterin asennusta akussa ja läppärissä ei ole ollut mitään vikaa. Läppäri on…
F-Secure DeepGuard and SBIE
Will deepguard detect exploits if my browser is running in sandboxie? Windows 7 Pro SP1
Not protected. Please restart.
Yesterday I got that message for the first time. I then first clicked on the tray symbol and it really said the computer is not protected. So I logged out of the user profile which took very long and then logged in again and everything worked. But today I got the same message but this time clicking on the tray symbol it…
Resetting F-Secure boost lisence
I bought F-Secure boost for my old laptop and used it on 2 products. Then the charging jack broke on one of my laptops and I dediced to buy a new laptop and upgrade rather than get it fixed. I uninstalled the boost software off my laptop before it died completely and I could not charge it again as I wanted to use this…
Why doesn't F-Secure for Mac also detect windows virus?
Mac detection was 100% but only 28% verus windows malware on latest AV Comparatives report. Mac Security Review/Test 2015 Report released! "http://t.co/quIayG9ut8"
Booster not compatible with FSecure and Virgin Media Gadget Assitance?
After downloading FSecure booster and running the various scans and updates I noticed that on the desk top the VM Gadget Assistance and FSecure standard package were no longer available. VM reinstalled FSecure and VM Gadget Assistance for me and told me not to install the booster as it was not compatible as yet with these…
Report only mentions one of two found spyware
The report states that I have to restart to finish the desinfection but it only mentions one of the found spywares. The one that was put into quarantine. The second infected file isn't mentioned ANYWHERE! Why is that?? Ergebnis: Viren: 0 Spyware: 2 Verdächtige Elemente: 0 Riskware: 0 Aktionen: Desinfiziert: 0 Umbenannt: 0…
Licence renewed but message saying my licence has expired and my devices aren't protected.
I renewed my licence a couple of weeks ago as a V M customer. I log in and I can see my account has updated this to show I have renewed until July 2016, but my devices are saying that my licence has expired and my devices are no longer valid? Anyone know why this is and how to ensure they are protected?