I am having problems downloading F Secure program after rolling back my laptop from windows 10 to 8.1. I removed F Secure program from PC laptop due to it not running properly.
The softwear starts downloading softwear informing me it is removing prevous program and installing new F Secure.
Download starts but when it gets up to 70% a message comes up informing me download failed. I have removed prevous F Secure program from laptop programs.I have tried down loading this softwear with same thing happening. Please can anyone help me as my subsciption is live and have several months left to run.
I am running windows 8.1 on my laptop.
Try running the F-Secure Uninstallation Tool, reboot, then try the installation again. This will give you a clean start. The installation is probably currently failing due to debris from the previous installation getting in the way.