Next time not F-secure

Bought licens for 5 computers yesterday. After three houers I have succeded to install F-secure on 1. 

Actually I have not time to spend on this.

For one of the computurs I have installed AVAST instead.

The problems where of many (alla) kinds. From diffulties to menaeuver on F-secure web site. To installations abortions. And endless boots.

And support from F-Secure is absent. They do not not leave a phonenumber!

You have to mail them. And then they may answer SOMETIME. Bu I need support TODAY.

I have had f-secure for many years, but now is my patience has come to an end.


F-secure  makes my  angry.




  • Hi Jojo3,


    I am sorry to hear that you are having issues with your F-Secure installation. It is recommended to remove the conflicting Anti-virus products from the respective computer before installing the F-Secure product. If you could please share with us at what stage the installation is aborted or more information about the installation issue, we would also try to help you further.


    However, if you would like to get in touch with our Support team through phone or chat, you may either call them directly in the numbers given in this link. Or you may also chat with our Chat support by opening a chat request via this link.


    I am once again sorry to hear about your frustation, I hope our support can assist you further in order to resolve your issue.


    Thank you.

  • jojo3
    jojo3 Posts: 2

    Thank you Laksh for yor kind answer.

    At last I succeded to install F-secure on three out of four computors.

    I suggest that F-secure work with their installationsprocces to make it easy.  And give the user a good info of how it shuld be done.

    (By the way I not beginner with computors. Installed programs of different sort since 1991).


    The different sort of problem that occured were as I mentione;  MANY.

    Among others.

    Could not find phonenumber to the support, only mail. Think they hide it to avoid work.


    The code I got could I not write for renewal this year (Have had F-secure 5 years). Not valid.

    Hard to find what to do att that  point.

    Hard to find a link on F-secure web site from where you must order your installation file.

    The installation file was to be sent by mail.

    Had 2 computors without e-mail. How to do there. No info, no help from F-secure on that point (or any other).

    Then the usual conflicts problems. But the installationprogram did not mentione which program it had a conflicty with. Had to guess.

    Then it had a conflict with a program with a name I did not recognize. Perhaps a leftover file.

    On one computor it could not copy a dll file, without giving options. I there installed Avast (free and easy in four minutes!).

    But as I said take a day and you may succed. I now lots of experience of how F-secure want you to install AND how F-secure could make it easier for the user to do it. I have been educated against my will.  And is is like biking. If you know  it it is easy, if you don´t you will have a painstaiking och long time before you. Good luck.





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