BSOD tcpip.sys when accessing network shares Realtek NIC

Jef_UK Posts: 2 New Member



F-Secure internet Security

Realtek GBE ver 7.113.914.2017 14/09/2017

I've 6 licences but this is the ony PC with a realtek that I own

The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck.  The bugcheck was: 0x0000007e (0xffffffffc0000005, 0xfffff88001b39119, 0xfffff88004483588, 0xfffff88004482df0). A dump was saved in: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP. Report Id: 112317-15974-01.


The error only occurs when SMB shares are accessed 


I've updated teh NIC driver twice and moved a know good version of TCPIP.sys from another working system


I've reinstaleld the F-Secure twice.

The problem does not hapen with F-Secure installed.


Please help




  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Maybe useful to contact direct F-Secure Support Channels (chat as example):


    Because, most likely, good to perform investigation. But:

    I've reinstaleld the F-Secure twice.
    The problem does not hapen with F-Secure installed.

    Did you mean that 'does not happen with F-Secure uninstalled"?


    If yes - and as own potential steps:

    - maybe good to re-check that F-Secure indeed related with such trouble (and there is not installed any other third-party firewalls. Where F-Secure can be only partly related);

    - maybe possible to 'temporary' uncheck some Settings-options (for example, unselect/uncheck this option: ); Like try to understand if certain feature is reason (or common design totally).

    What if it can be temporary workaround until proper investigation done.



  • Näsäviisas
    Näsäviisas Posts: 784 Superuser

    Some explanations:
    BSOD=Blue screen of death > meaning serious error
    SMB is a protocol for sharing files, printers, serial ports and communications.
    I could not read with more/type commands MEMORY.DMP-file. My own computer.
    Summa summarum > is this some kind of sync-problem? Too many pieces?

    Thinking over
  • Jef_UK
    Jef_UK Posts: 2 New Member

    Sorry for no replys I've been in hospital.


    SO I've done a compleet clean win7 reinstall and the problems the same. The only software installed is f-secure.


    I cannot find a create support ticket link only chat and telephone numbers.


    How do I open a ticket???

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply -> I'm only F-Secure user.


    Situation with next points:


    -- currently not possible to create support ticket directly.

    But it should be possible to do by using 'chat'-option. Then it can be 'switched' to mail-letters discussion (and creating kind of 'ticket'-request);


    -- maybe Support Agents (from chat) with abilities or requirements to do remote help before this.

    As their own investigation; but maybe it's not needed. So, good to start talk with Support Agents (under chat) and to explain situation - what if it known trouble.

    Based on web -> looks like that this system's configuration with pretty popular BSOD with such view. Even indeed can be with connections about security software (or firewall directly).

    F-Secure with utilisation system own Firewall and some certain tweaks. Maybe possible to check firstly -> does it helpful to disable/uncheck option under F-Secure Settings (Firewall tab) about:



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