pop ups

jeff33 Posts: 3 New Member

how do i remove pop ups like www.pipichannels and adexc.net and speed-open2.com have looked in start up menu

various registry menus



  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser
  • jeff33
    jeff33 Posts: 3 New Member

    tried your cleaner and  few others non seem to work

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Maybe it is possible to clarify some points:


    --> does your noted items (three URLs) and their pop up happened with all browsers? Or with only some of them?

    --> does it happened with browsers only or with system too?


    Most likely, that it should be possible to search web (Google, for example) about this direct url-names and get some results about instructions to clean up / remove pop-ups. But -> good to choose search results carefully too (avoid any other potential strange popups).


    As my own potential generic suggestions:


    --> good to re-check that your security software is installed. Also, if your experience about F-Secure solution -> maybe good to contact direct F-Secure Support Channels for getting their support and maybe investigation (why items were not detected).


    --> possible to re-check things like Browser's shortcuts (for desktop logo) by rightclick and properties (kind of additions to path/keys). maybe some extensions or even installed applications (double check that it is only known and valid ones).


    Good -> if you will back with more information. at least, when and where popups happened.



  • jeff33
    jeff33 Posts: 3 New Member

    the 3 i mention are not the only ones there is adexc they pop up on both chrome and edge  even when i have been on f secure site flling in details  on clicking next to continue what  am doing a  new tab opens with pop up 

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