
@Phil_J wrote:Will F-Secure SAFE ... Is there a Linux version?
Sorry for my reply. I'm only F-Secure user (their home solutions) and it is only my own unofficial feelings.
Most likely, that Linux is not supported platform for F-Secure SAFE (currently).
For example, recently it is partly discussed there:
Also, for example, possible to vote for this feature request:
Just as small discussion about your topic:
-> what kind of features with F-Secure SAFE and Linux-platform?
And, for example, does it should be only for your noted system or for all other variants too?
@Phil_J wrote:
Many thanks for the reply. I think I've found a solution.Hello,
Sorry for my reply.
If it is not a secret - just interesting - does it solution like:
->> home security solution from another security software company?
->> something like F-Secure SENSE ( https://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/sense )?
->> some open source tools which are available for Linux platform?
or something else? or any other workarounds?