How do I make a complaint?

stevem128 Posts: 2 New Member

Two years ago I renewed my subscription and F-Secure/Cleverbridge stole the remaining three months of the existing subscription.

Emails and telephone calls eventually re-instated the missing months, a grudging apology and an assurance that all was sorted.

Now I am getting emails saying my subscription is about to expire - 4 months in advance of the date on my software.

I am told the software will operate correctly and F-Secure will 'try' to stop the emails.

Should I dump F-Secure for a provider who listens to its customers?


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm only F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    Does it's more as feedback or potential topic to discuss?


    Just interesting - does main trouble is letter about expiration? And such letters are unexpected/unwanted?


    Possible to suspect that such expiration letter based on your noted trouble with "three months" (which is dropped and then re-instated - but their ?! mail-server do not think so). And ?! did you mean that you're already contact their Support and receive words about ""software will operate correctly and F-Secure will 'try' to stop the emails"". Or situation is repeated after?


    Another potential situations (unrelated to your situation maybe):

    --> possible that expiration letter about another your potential account/subscription than your main active one;

    --> such letter with any promotions or discounts;


    And not sure about "who listens", but maybe "who reads". :)



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