FS Protection replacing SAFE

I have become aware of FS Protection replacing SAFE, via th the BETA program website (https://beta.f-secure.com/welcome/key/P4HQFHCLWGK95M0L). I would like to know the approximate date that FS Protection will replace SAFE.
FS Protection (as technology preview / beta of F-Secure SAFE) is on-going program, currently.
FS Protection will not replace F-Secure SAFE, but some of releases switched from beta/technology preview to F-Secure SAFE stable. Previously it was noted that three-four times per year (or so).
For example, current stable F-Secure SAFE is pretty close to FS Protection. Difference only with some beta builds and configuration for stable solution.
For example, previous stable F-Secure SAFE stable was 16.5;
Current -> F-Secure SAFE 17.num;
FS Protection was with 17.num many months before official release for F-Secure SAFE 17.num;
Also, probably current F-Secure SAFE is 17 (204-build); while FS Protection is 17 (206-build). Or something like this. Sorry for wording and terms.
If your ask about potential ?! next stable release -> I'm not sure...
More information/related topics:
-- topic-ask about potential next F-Secure SAFE release:
https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Home-Security/Release-date-of-F-Secure-SAFE/td-p/101776-- reply about current Stable SAFE (and date when it released):
-- reply about design of ongoing beta/tp programm and production releases: