
122353 Posts: 2 New Member

I finally found the reciept for my original F-SECURE renewal. I took all of November off for hunting season. I went ahead and updated to the new (low priced) F-SECURE SAFE. I would like to to be reimbursed or have the F-SECURE renewal removed from my debit card invoice. Thank you.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I'm only F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    Maybe you should to contact F-Secure Support Channels directly.

    (chat, as example, is available with current minute).


    Or maybe possible to try/find and follow any instructions from purchase-confirmation letters (or so).

    Also if not possible to do it with your account (F-Secure or their partners).



  • 122353
    122353 Posts: 2 New Member

    Thank you for the reply. Their chat was not open for business at the time I tried again this morning. I will try and make time during their business hours to try again.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    It is good to try both F-Secure websites -> your local (what chat-hours should be as 'phone-hours' with your local time) and "home_global" (where can be unexpected available-hours for some locations).


    For example, home_global with 'available'-status of chat (current minute):


    But possible to meet another kind of trouble with chat.



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