F-Secure and av-comparatives latest malware removal test-November 2013.
Tested on Win 7 Professional 64-bit; F-Secure IS 2014 tested; http://www.av-comparatives.org/removal-tests/ Although F-Secure was not top notch in this test, given the choice I would rather have a high detection rate over a high level of malware removal.
F-Secure discounts for Black Friday?
Since this question was not answered in a previous thread and may have been overlooked, I am posting it as a thread starter. Any thoughts of F-Secure taking part in a Black Friday Sale next week or in future years; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Friday_(shopping) Black Friday is the Friday following Thanksgiving day in…
Untrue warning "Users not protected / Subscription ended"
I have ordered, paid an installed F-Secure Internet Security 2012. The program itself tells me that the program is installed an on, and that its expiring date is 19.2.2013, i repeat 2013. Now the main intro page of same program has begun to show an alert "Users are not protected / Subscription has expired" (translations…
F-Secure Health Check-incorporate into AV/IS?
Just tried the Health Check; http://www.f-secure.com/en/web/home_global/health-check This free tool is a easy to use alternative to Secunia; http://secunia.com/vulnerability_scanning/personal/ Rather than a standalone buried away on the site any thoughts of incorporating this as a vulnerability scanner into the Home…
Not able to Uninstall F-Secure MObile Security from my Samsung Galaxy Grand
I have installed a trial pack of F-Secure MObile Security. As the subscription got over and i would liketo uninstall the application from my Samsung Galaxy Grand phone. I went to Application Manger-> F-Secure MObile Security.-> Uninstall button is greyed out.
F-Secure-performance hog or light as a feather?
Apart from its price, one of the criticisms against F-Secure is that it is too heavy in performance. IME, up to at least 2011, running the program in real-time was like trying to run in molasses. Results here with F-Secure AV 2010 revealed benchmark tests towards the middle/bottom of the vendors…
Finfisher Government Virus Detection
FinFisher detections. Infected Mobile Phones http://www.f-secure.com/v-descs/trojan-spy_w32_finspy_a.shtml Trojan-Spy:W32/FinSpy.A Aliases: FinSpy Trojan-Spy:W32/FinSpy Trojan-Spy:W32/FinSpy.A Monitoring-Tool:Android/FinSpy.C Trojan-Spy:iPhoneOS/FinSpy.A Trojan-Spy ymbOS/FinSpy.A Trojan-Spy:WinCE/FinSpy.A…
stuxnet 2 - stealthier than ever
Meet Stuxnet's stealthier older sister: Super-bug turned Iran's nuke plants into pressure cookers New report documents Mark I cyber-weapon build By John Leyden, 21st November 2013 Analysis Newly published research has shined new light on super-malware Stuxnet's older sibling – which was also designed to wreck Iran's…
C drive containing Windows 8.1 scanned in less than 4 minutes ?
I did manual scan of C drive which has Windows 8.1 pro installed. F secure scanned 34254 files in less than 4 mintues. Is it some kind of bug or some new technology has been implemented by F secure IS 2014. Scanning Report 06 November 2013 05:11:49 - 05:15:03 Computer name: VIKTIK Scanning type: Scan target Target: C:\…
No F-Secure Internet Security 2013 download...?
Hello! I've pretty recently gotten a new computer, and from my old notebook I took the key of my F-Secure Internet Security 2013 into safekeeping. I double-checked that the key was correct before wiping out everything from it and trading it away. However, when I tried to find the product from the site, all I could find was…
installed f-secure now cant remember my pass code. can someone pls help
can someone pls help. forgot my pass code now cant access phone (n-8)
Can't see inside protected folders
I've installed F-Secure for the second time now and have the same problem that caused me to uninstall it before, F-Secure cannot seem to see inside user folders. This makes it virtually useless because that's where all the viruses tend to be. For example, if I slave a Windows hard drive to my computer and try to scan…
Dodgy WiFi!
Good day, I hope I'm in the right place - Is it at all possible to have my F-Secure purchase mailed to me? Because the Wifi is really dodgy where i'm staying at present and I think the best way around it would be to install it via disc. Thanks for any help Jack
Samsung Galaxy Tab - Can Not Login
Can anyone help please? I am using the Virgin Media bundle to obtain F-Secure. I have just successfully installed F-Secure Safe on two PC's and this works very well - very impressed. However, I can not install F-Secure on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2. I am trying to install on the Tab by going to…
Mac Malware - New OSX/Crisis or Business Cards Gone Wild
http://www.intego.com/mac-security-blog/new-osx-crisis-business-cards-gone-wild/ New OSX/Crisis or Business Cards Gone Wild Posted on November 13th, 2013 by Peter James In these days of computer conspiracies, the Mac is not left out. A new variant of Remote Control System, Hacking Team’s spyware, landed on VirusTotal with…
Is F-Secure AV/IS too expensive?
For several years F-Secure products have been considered too expensive by many people; particularly those posting on security forums. However, looking at retail prices, F-Secure may be considered a cheap alternative compared to other vendors. The vendors chosen in addition to F-Secure were those having a considerable…
Forgot my anti theft password
Hi here is my SR ID: 1-561660206. I have provided you guys with all the other details already and have not yet received and assistance. it urgent that i can swap my sim's. and all that other #unlock# and #reset# from the other number does not work.
Re: log the details of virus and spyware found
F-Secure was recently installed on my laptop. Since then I have been getting the following 'pop up' every couple of hours. Application blocked Deep Guard has blocked an application in your computer: Application: dup.exe Reason: Previously blocked application What should be done? Your computer is protected. If you still…
Outlook will not receive emails since downloading f secure in place of virgin media
After receiving an email from virgin media requesting me to registry for the new security F secure that will replace virgin media on the 31st Dec 2013, it then took me to a page to start download. I followed the instructions and proceeded with the install it removed the current virgin media security and replace it with the…
Uninstall F-Secure 2013 from an old computer, Install F-Secure 2013 on a new computer
Hi, I want to install F-Secure 2013 on a new PC. I will uninstall it on an old PC. Is a license from 3 automaticly free when uninstalling F-Secure from a PC? Or is there something else I have to to? Thanks for a helping answer.
Malware won't turn on in Windows Security Centre
Hi all, I installed F Secure yesterday All went well. However everytime I start my computer up it says I am not protected, check security in Windows Security Centre. The box with Malware is highlighted. It says I should turn on Virus & Spyware which are turned off. I try to turn them on but nothing happens. A box appears…
I have just installed F-Secure to my desktop computer I also have a laptop and would like to know how to install F-Secure on to my laptop. I am a Virgin Media customer.
printing & banking
Hi, Im having problems printing from my banks website. I have a networked printer and I remember I had to get rid of the bank secure thingy, but dunno how it's done with this latest version. Also, I can print with my superuser account, but the other users of the computer cannot print, so I have to find out how to take the…
#UNLOCK# 0645593137
Hello sir my mobile is nokia E6-00 .i for get my possward.i send sms #UNLOCK# FROM
Hello sir MY name raju My device is Nokia E6-00.I for get my mobile ant theft password send SMS #UNLOCK# from my mobile ( F-securer install device)I read F-secure manualy.F-secure says to send SMS #unlock# than ant theft password for get. I send this SMS from my mobile(F-secure install mobile)My mobile show to this message…
Cannot update to latest definitions
It just says that updates fail. This is both on Automatic and Manual. On the notepad it is coming up with the following error messages. [ 3160]Tue Oct 29 22:26:59 2013(2): Connecting to fsbwserver.f-secure.com (no BW proxy, no HTTP proxy)... [ 3160]Tue Oct 29 22:26:59 2013(3): Update check failed. There was an error…
Loading F-Secure onto Ipad
I have succesfully loaded F-Secure onto my PC, but I am having problems loading it ont my Ipad. When trying to load directly onto my Ipad, I am told that F-Secure does not recognise Safari. When trying to load via my PC, (i.e. to another device) it just comes up with an error message.
content preview issue - outlook 2007 since f-secure upgrade
since upgrading to f-secure 2013 email messages in outlook include a "content preview:" section at the top which includes a lengthy analysis of the email, this makes the email very difficult to read, I have tried "hide header information" in outlook and turned off spam filtering in f-secure. I have checked the outlook…
F-Secure IS 2014 and AV-Comparatives ~ Real-World Protection Test October 2013
F-Secure achieves 7th place out of 21 Security vendors; 99.4% successfully blocked; http://www.av-comparatives.org/factsheet-real-world-protection-test-october-2013/ http://chart.av-comparatives.org/chart1.php?chart=chart2&year=2013&month=10&sort=0&zoom=3 "The results are based on the test set of 527 live test cases…
F-Secure Mac now compatible with Mac OS X Mavericks (version10.9)
This announcement today by Stephan was rather buried at the end of this thread; http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Security-for-PC/Mac-Anti-Virus/td-p/34969/page/2 So I am making a new thread so users can see the compatibility more easily. All we need now is; 1. Update the compatibility page of F-Secure for…