Is F-Secure AV/IS too expensive?

For several years F-Secure products have been considered too expensive by many people; particularly those posting on security forums.
However, looking at retail prices, F-Secure may be considered a cheap alternative compared to other vendors.
The vendors chosen in addition to F-Secure were those having a considerable market share of the security market as judged by OPSWAT; .
(All versions above were for the Windows OS. Prices shown are in English pounds).
Looking at these retail prices, compared to some other vendors, particularly Symantec and McAfee, F-Secure AV and IS can be considered pretty cheap. Overall, F-Secure was second cheapest out of 10 products.
However, when looking for the lowest price of each product, the overall trends changed;
This time, the most expensive retail versions, McAfee and Symantec were now the cheapest and F-Secure is now looking to be an expensive vendor. However, the retail prices of McAfee and Symantec are ridiculous.
Overall, IMHO, F-Secure looks an attractive retail choice but a relatively expensive one if one looks out for cheaper prices.
Therefore, purely on price grounds, there maybe more attractive software than F-Secure, particularly when one considers the great free AV's now on offer. However, factor in the level of support that they offer and maybe F-Secure overall is still a good choice?
PS Any chance of these great offers surfacing again in the near future;
It would also be of interest to see the available prices of F-Secure products and its rivals in different countries to the UK. So if any users are interested please add to this thread.
Great post, Blackcat!
I've always managed to find cheaper than retail prices for any AV/IS product I've used (Norton £2?! Where?), including F-Secure, but recently, cheap FS licenses are much harder to come by. Obviously, the company wants to sell it's product for the best price it can, to make a profit, and to go towards future research and development, but when other products can be purchased so cheaply, it does make you wonder how much of the market is going to competitors.
I've always managed to find cheaper than retail prices for any AV/IS product I've used (Norton £2?! Where?)
Ebay UK. But I believe in the States you can pick up boxed copies for nothing after using voucher/coupon codes?
When other products can be purchased so cheaply, it does make you wonder how much of the market is going to competitors.
Outside of Finland/Scandinavia/Germany I doubt whether F-Secure makes much money out of its Home products (I could be wrong here). It's the Business/Enterprise products which makes the profits (like a lot of other vendors).
And don't forget that a lot of average joes just use the AV/IS that came installed on their computers or they will shop retail. Only experienced users like the ones which frequent Forums are more price savvy, and therefore likely to shop round for the best prices.
I Bought F-Secure 2 year licence on ebay and it cost me £24-00 ,due to the firewall being expunged from the suite and F-Secure taking no notice of it`s users i have now purchased the above and it is without doubt a very good product for the money.The only thing that F-Secure is without a doubt good at is customer service,it is way better than all the other is/av vendors.
Any thoughts on F-Secure taking part in a Black Friday Sale?
For example;