Samsung Galaxy Tab - Can Not Login

Can anyone help please?
I am using the Virgin Media bundle to obtain F-Secure. I have just successfully installed F-Secure Safe on two PC's and this works very well - very impressed. However, I can not install F-Secure on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2.
I am trying to install on the Tab by going to https@// However, when I enter my login credentials, it does not login. I am simple returned to the login page.
I understand that I should be able to complete the installation on 5 devices.
Please can anyone advise on the problem?
When this happens to me(on any website) I always try to login from different devices and browsers to troubleshoot.
Try to login to mysafe again from a PC, to verify if the login still works.
Try to login to mysafe from the Tab 2, but with a wrong password. Just to see if you get an error message like "Login name or password not valid", or if it still redirects you to the login page.
Depending on the results from the above steps perhaps you can narrow down the problem.