Can't see inside protected folders

install latest visual c++ both x86 and x64 . see if this works
If you launch the scan from explorer right-click context menu, the scan is executed with your user privileges. It can only access files that you (current user) can.
If you instead do a full system scan, the scan is executed with system privileges and it can access all files.
Hope this helps.
(F-Secure R&D)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Thanks Ville, that IS helpful but disappointing. I tried last night and it appears that current user privileged is also the case if you do a custom scan. Is there any workaround for this? I don't want to scan the whole system, just an attached, slaved Windows drive from another computer.
I haven't tried with a slaved Windows drive from another computer so I don't know about that, but I have successfully scanned another windows drive as a network mapped drive. The difference with a network mapped drive is that I have to pass credentials to it when I connect to it(as administrator). So maybe it's a permissions problem. Also any encryption on the drive could cause this including windows EFS which is very easy for any user to apply. (folder properties, advanced, encrypt)
You could try the FSAV command-line utility. Example here including scanning as system account instead of current user: