Re: Security Key Reset
Hi,I lost my security code for installning and activating my Internet Security. Can you send me a new one?
When I try to install f secure it get to 95% then fails
When I try to install f secure it get to 95% then fails
Deepguard causing stability problem
I am using Windows 8.1 pro and f secure IS 2014. recently a new problem has started. I updated the wisecare software. When I started it and tried to check for updates. Then what should have happened is deepguard should have shown message"unknown program trying to connect to internet" and will ask whether to allow it or…
Good review of F-Secure IS 2014 at Cnet.
Found here; http://download.cnet.com/8301-20_4-10482329-10084490.html Bottom Line: F-Secure Internet Security 2014 remains a high-performing, unobtrusive security suite and continues its excellent low-system impact, stringent protection combination. The streamlined direction, along with a very considerately low level of…
When I logout from this F-Secure community I end up on a empty page at community.younited.com I believe younited.com is a F-Secure site, but something is still wrong with the logout.
forgotton usernam and password both to log in into f secure
forgotton usernam and password both to log in into f secure Tried to contact support very long que,tried other options too no go. I got F secure subscription from Virgin media after filling the registration form I have downloaded the security for 1 pc but when I tried to do it on other one I was not able to remember the…
full scan report
today i full scanned my system and upon opening scan report i noticed that f-secure cannot scan file " c:/program files(x86)/f-secure/apps/computer security/common/policy.ipf " is it normal? because scan i did before did not showed up with this file error and also windows security center showed me to update f secure. and…
Detection of CryptoLocker and Nymaim?
Does F-Secure AV/IS have detection for these 2 nasties? Can the online scanner remove these 2 ? Although Win32/TrojanDownloader.Nymaim is a Trojan downloader, it also exhibits ransomware features similar to CryptoLocker. Maybe the Ransomware page could be…
Can this security be downloaded onto an IPad. I keep getting download failed.
Only 1 install of trial.
I installed the trial version of FS IS 2013 yesterday but found that within a couple of hours, particularly on bootup that my computer was freezing/showing slow downs. These problems were only solved by uninstalling FS. I then uninstalled some on-demand security software such as HitMan Pro and Malwarebytes and tried to…
My Network always drop way below 1Mbps. It's like running a 56K modem.
Hi All, I find this very very fiustrating every single day that my internet connection speed always drops way below 1 Mbps. I lost many Internet Connection speed. Every time I do speed test it drops like crazy!!! Sometimes I cannot seems to do any software updates at my end. What is happening???
Cant see Facebook content
when I open Facebook I cant see any content. Also other website with active content do not appear to work. I have just installed via Virgin media even the captch ON f-sECURE CHAT DOESN'T WORK
PC Advisor review of F-Secure Safe 2014.
Here; http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/reviews/security/3474776/f-secure-safe-2014-review/?tab=verdictTab#top
F-Secure Internet Security Technology Preview 98 Issues - SCANNING & REINSTALL
Today, I come to find out that my F-Secure Internet Security 2014 cannot do any scanning at all. I cannot do a Virus Scan, Full Scan and Custom Scan. Even try to do a scan via Explorer. Nothing works! So I uninstall. And reinstall the TP98 file again. Now, I got nothing! No F-Secure! So fustrating!!!
PSB Workstation Security 10.00 build 192 due to expire
In 14 days, it is 2 November now, my product, installed by my computer technician, is due to expire and I cannot get support from FSecure to tell me which to buy for my home PC running Windows 7. I want a similar product to the one installed but do not know which to buy. Can anyone advise me please because I initiate a…
Windows 7 64bits / F-Secure Network Installer Upg / Root Certificates Problem
I'm using the F-Secure AntiVirus package, I'm blocked, I can't no more receice Virus updates because when I started F-SecureNetworkInstallerUpg (ver.: [last version]), the Installer indicates a problem with roots certificates ! My PC date is ok, and I've updated my Windows 7 64bits system with the last…
Can not access F-secure 2014
I installed F-Secure 2014 from Vira Virginmedia, taking me to the F-Secure 2014 web site, i tried to access the anti virus and setting but each time i click it it take me every time to the F-Secure web site to log in and does not open F-Secure 2014 so i can see the interface etc, any help much appreciated. Martin
Exclusion of applications or Folders.
Hi All Is it possible to exclude a folder or an application from being scanned by the FSecure antivirus. I am using a game Flight simulator and the advice I get is that the execution of the software could be faster if it is not scanned during it's execution. Thanks.
Which F-secure exe to use with Firefox add-on download statusbar
I am using an Firefox Add-on Download Statusbar. There is an option to tell which Viruscan executable to use for scanning the downloaded file. Which exe of F-secure can I point to?
my invoice RE-<removed> customernumber <removed> please send it to me by e-mail <remo
Edit: removed the sensitive data
Can't download internet security
Iv came from virgin media security but everytime I try to download f secure internet security 2013 it says internet explorer cannot display webpage
Can't enter Parent password on Child Safe for iPad
Hi I just installed Child safe on the Ipad. Installation works fine, however when it comes to entering the master password the box pops up to add the password, but I can't, the keyboard does not appear so I can actually enter the password. The Ipad is on IOS 7.0.3 and the F-Secure app was downloaded on 22/10/2013 from the…
System Tray Icon
Has anyone else noticed their FS system tray icon sometimes disappearing, or not appearing at all after start up? I've had this issue a number of times, with different versions of FS, and on different operating systems, and can't get to the bottom of it. I submitted a bug report a couple of months back, but the guys…
removal of incredibar
How to remove incredibar safely
F-Secure causing FTTC speed drop?
I have a friend who is trying out various AV products, and following my recommendation, he has just tried FSIS, and found that his broadband speed dropped from about 60Mbps to around 30Mbps, on Windows 8.1. He uninstalled FS, and his speed went back up to 60Mb. He then repeated the process and the same thing happened. What…
Network Constantly Dropping when using F-Secure Internet Security 2014
Hi All, Network Constantly dropping when using F-Secure Internet Security 2014!!!
Uninstall babylon toolbar help?
Howdy, I can't get rid of babylon toolbar and the disgusting babylon search from my firefox. I aleady removed it form the "Add/Remove program" option, but it's still there when i restart my pc. It must have something to do with the registry, but I can not able to clean that.The other day someone in yahoo answers suggest a…
fshoster32.exe registry leak at every shutdown
Windows detected your registry file is still in use by other applications or services. The file will be unloaded now. The applications or services that hold your registry file may not function properly afterwards. DETAIL - 1 user registry handles leaked from…
SPAM scanning is not working
In F-Secure Internet Security 2014 for Microsoft Outlook, the spam scanning is not working