I need to uninstall the internet security.
I need to uninstall the internet security, on the install/uninstall control panel list it don't appear, when I try to get the 2014 update I got the message "you have the latest update installed", but on the PC the program don't exist.
annoying virus adding ads
annoying virus adding adds: http://phonemusictip.com/Java_Update/?dv1=Ybrant%20Digital it asks you to update java and gets into your computer PLEASE, STOP IT! Edit: Moved from Idea Board to appropriate location and changed subject to match the problem.
F-Secure Mobile and AV-Test Android certification for September 2013
F-Secure Mobile Security v. 8.2 tested; http://www.av-test.org/no_cache/en/tests/test-reports/?tx_avtestreports_pi1%5Breport_no%5D=133640 28 AV scanners checked; Protection against 1460 malware samples; 98.6% Usability- ( Impact of the security software on the usability of the phone)- scored 5.5/6. These results keeps up…
sir i forget my moble f secure password. im using s duos. pls help me
Pls help me
CCF Scanning V2 to V24 Defect
Am verrrrrrrrrrrrry Angry. Not 1 of the PC's I maintain has a working CCF Scanner (All are Dutch). This is since 21 may 2013. !!!! Fsdiag where sent more than once and still the problem persists. It downloads the updates but just doesn't install them! This is all I get; 2013-09-13 11:24:41.583 [078c.13a4] I: Downloaded…
IP Address
Not being very technically minded but having recently read that my IP address can be hidden so that I am not inundated with aggravating ads having been on some sites, I wanted to know if your system could do this. The reason for asking yourselves is that I dont trust a lot of sites but I have trust in your site and would…
I have only 1 pc. How can I order F-security for only one pc? Can you install it into my computor?
Does F-Secure allow passwordless connections?
SSH in Linux can be setup to allow passwordless connections using keys. Can F-Secure be confgured to do the same thing?
Win 8 update to 8.1
Did upgrade my win 8 to new 8.1. Upgrade went kind of OK had one strange error "C:\Windows\System32\LogiLDA.dll The specified module could not be found." found the solution here C:\Windows\System32\LogiLDA.dll The specified module could not be found. After I fixed the error I tested with eicar, All good it was detected…
Best Security Practices for Mac and F-Secure
Hi! (sorry for the verrrry long post) <DISCLAIMER> Somewhere in the last 12 months I have become increasingly paranoid! Whether the threat is real or imagined, I'm not too sure! To the best of my knowledge, I am not doing anything that anyone, ever would bother wasting their time on hacking my system or reading my emails.…
AV Comparatives September 2013 Real World Results.
Summary chart; http://chart.av-comparatives.org/chart1.php?chart=chart2&year=2013&month=9&sort=0&zoom=2 Full results; http://www.av-comparatives.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/avc_factsheet2013_09.pdf F-Secure IS 2014 tested against 326 malicious URLs. The test-cases used cover a wide range of current malicious sites and…
F-Secure Internet Security 2014 review in PCMag
I decide to install the F-Secure Internet Security 2014 and Kaspersky Internet Security 2014. I was determined to F-Secure, but she stopped me this unflattering reviews. What did you think? Thank you. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2425207,00.asp
Did f-secure online scanner ruin my computer?
After using f-secure online scanner my computer keeps restarting itself at the welcome screen (right before I can type in my password). The only way I can use it, is if I go to safe mode with networking. I tried to install improved virus software in safe mode, but because I'm in safe mode it won't install. What can I do to…
Windows8 64bit keeps altering that Protection is off
Hi, on my Windrows Bit System the OS keeps creating alterts, that Protection is off. I Allowed f-secure several times, but it keeps coming up with the same alert. PC Protection 12.71 build 102 Anti-Virus 10.00 build 18410 DeepGuard 4.10 build 50 E-mail Filtering 1.02 build 13510 Management Agent 8.30 build 43098 User…
Lag in completing installation and detecting Eicar files on first install.
After installing/uninstalling FSIS on several snapshots, I have noticed that there is a lag of about 10-20 minutes before ALL the initial files/updates are successfully installed. The install seems to be in two parts; 1. The initial download takes about 7 minutes (on my connection) after which the Window states that the…
Completely lost subscription code
Hello, I have quite a problem, which needs quite quick solution. I have F-Secure Internet Security 2013 on my computer, and need to re-install my operating system. However, when I tried to seek the subscription code that came along the package (the one with size of bank card), I couldn't find it anywhere despite turning…
AMTSO "Feature Settings Check” for F-Secure.
Came across this test site by the Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization, or AMTSO which some users may not know about; http://www.amtso.org/feature-settings-check.html It can be used to check that your install of F-Secure is performing as it should and is configured correctly. F-Secure supports all the 5 checks…
F-Secure tops latest av-comparatives file detection Test.
http://chart.av-comparatives.org/chart1.php?chart=chart1&year=2013&month=9&sort=1&zoom=3 Scanning 29,253 malware samples, F-Secure AntiVirus 2014 scored 99.7% in file detection and recorded only 2 false positives. As usual it scored an overall of Advanced+ (the highest) in this on-demand detection test. Well done,…
Rescue CD scanning failed
I tried to scan my Windows 8 computer with Rescue CD 3.16-63801 but encountered some problems: 1) Scanning Windows Storage Spaces is not supported. There is no mention of this in the documentation. I understand that this is because there is no linux support for Storage Spaces yet. 2) My Windows 8 drive could not be scanned…
F-Secure tops AVLab's Real Time Testing.
F-Secure IS, one of six scanners to scores 100% in real-time testing in September; http://avlab.pl/page/laboratorium_antywirusowe_podsumowanie_wrzesie_2013 But not so hot on Malicious URls; http://avlab.pl/main/table/C/all/desc
Problems with F-Secure and recent Windows Update.
F-Secure 2014 full version; Win 7 SP1-64-bit. On cold booting my machine up on Wednesday, I noticed that the Action Centre tray icon was flagging 2 problems; "there was no Antivirus or anti-spyware on my machine" even though the F-Secure icon was in the system tray. A pop-up window then suggested "I had not installed…
PCMag Review on F-Secure AntiVirus 2014
Hi All, Here is a review of PCMAG on F-Secure 2014 Antivirus http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2425112,00.asp http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2425129,00.asp http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2425130,00.asp http://www.pcmag.com/image_popup/0,1871,iid=393988,00.asp F-Secure Anti-Virus 2014 * editor rating:…
Matousec Firewall Leaktesting on F-Secure Internet Security 2014 updates!
Hi All, Here is an update of Matousec's Firewall Leaktesting on F-Secure Internet Security 2014! See the link below:- http://www.matousec.com/projects/proactive-security-challenge-64/reports/PSC64%20report%20-%20F-Secure%20Internet%20Security%202014%2012.89.202.pdf Firewall leaktesting rankings!…
F-Secure Host Process Error
Hi, a message from windows keeps popping out every 30 seconds or so telling me there's been a problem with F-Secure Host Process (it's the classic windows message that tells a process will be shut down and asks if you want to send informations about it). By checking task manager I've found out there's about 10 processes…
Bonjour, Pourquoi Internet Security 2014 me laisse-t-il télécharger et enregistrer sans réagir eicar.zip trouvé ici: http://securite-informatique.info/virus/eicar/ ? In English Why Internet Security 2014 doesn't react when I download and save eicar.zip found here: http://securite-informatique.info/virus/eicar/
Bank problem
I have problem whit my Swedbank after your installition off the Securety. ( " kryptation " ? ) against my bank Greetings Roger Andersson Sorry for my English
2nd Full Scan is not faster
According to http://community.f-secure.com/t5/Security-for-PC/Did-the-product-really-scan-my/ta-p/15410 a second full scan will skip files that haven't changed since the first full scan, so the second full scan will take just a few minutes. This is not the case for me. My manual scan settings is maximum search: ALL file…
Internet security 2012 - Host Process error
Hi, I once tried to get rid of this host process error, that pops up every 30s but did not fully succeed. Do you have suggestions how to fix it? I'm usiin windows xp and the internet security product is installed on d:/ br, Kai7
find my mobile
excuse me mr. f-secure,my mobile is theft. how a look for my mobile?? spec : nokia N8 imei : 3562XXXXXXXXXX number last phone : +62XXXXXXXXXXX please help me sir. that mobile very valuable for me.
uninstalltool version 3.0 did not remove logs and quarantines directory
Hi, I did a test with the uninstalltool with the current F-Secure Internet Security 2014, and come to find out that the C:\ProgramData\F-Secure\Logs and C:\ProgramData\F-Secure\Quarantine files are not fully deleted. So, if you intend to use other AntiVirus software besides F-Secure it still detect F-Secure being install…