Hello sir my mobile is nokia E6-00 .i for get my possward.i send sms #UNLOCK# FROM

Hello sir MY name raju My device is Nokia E6-00.I for get my mobile ant theft password send SMS #UNLOCK# from my mobile ( F-securer install device)I read F-secure manualy.F-secure says to send SMS #unlock# than ant theft password for get. I send this SMS from my mobile(F-secure install mobile)My mobile  show to this message , unable to make inter net calls service not installed. Please tell me how to recover for get password.

                                                                                                                                                                     Thank you sir 


  • vipre
    vipre Posts: 1

    Happy New Year... I am new user of nokia e6-00, i forget my password and i have already try in more times but it is not recognize and yet i cannot remember, my New Year wish is to recover my password and reset it to a new password. please help me for my request. thanks vipre.

  • Hi raju,

    Kindly refer my reply above. You would need to contact our support to reset your Security code.


    Best Regards,

  • marcoT
    marcoT Posts: 2

    Experiencing same problem as above. I already sent a request to your support services but so far no reply. can you please help?


    I also tried to get in touch with them many times through phone number dedicated to italian customers but i got answer only the first time after this, no reply (and the service is costly).



  • max12
    max12 Posts: 2

    im also experiencing the same problem with my nokia e7, f-secure does not recognise my password any more and thier support tab promises to send an email that never arrives. it a shame nokia associates itself with unreliable and dodgy apps. now im stuck with this piece of rubbish. i will not recomend this to anyone. max12

  • max12
    max12 Posts: 2

    hi there, i think this product is a ripoff and should be removed off the market. thier support service is useless

  • marcoT
    marcoT Posts: 2

    hi max, my suggestion is to use the chat to get in touch with their support, you have to try many times, it takes a while, and sometimes is frustrating but is the way to solve the problem. I did it.

    Follow the link just posted by AniaC

  • keiooz
    keiooz Posts: 32 Observer

    Thanks a lot! The link you posted is very helpful. Will depend on it until I can't get it on myself.

  • surendra
    surendra Posts: 2 Observer

    sir  wats  soliution  i  want   som  r   dealet   but   that  is   no   dealet


  • Hi,


    You can start by emptying the Temporary Internet Files from the phones web browser.

    In the phone go to Menu -> Web

    At the bottom right of your screen press the cicle with two arrows (<<)

    Choose Settings -> Privacy -> Clear privacy data -> All


    After this check the Installed applications and remove the ones that you do not necesarily require or use.

    Also check if deleting files or moving files to memory card is possible.

  • i also forgot my password and sent a service request but no reply, please help for god sake i hate to forget passwords and live without phone

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