F-Secure Key for Windows RT and WP
Hi, is there any roadmap for Win RT and WP? BR Hemmo
exclude directory on scan - F-Secure secure Anti-Virus for mac
When selecting what to scan it would be very helpful to be able to exclude a directory from the scan. For example I would like to scan the complete hard disk "Macintosh HD" but exclude the directory /Volumes that is the mount point of the Time Machine backups that take forever to scan.
Please improve Adware detection
Hi, As is known, BitDefender engine does not detect well adware/Riskware. So, also F-Secure :) Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBL-Te1WWg0 I think it would be nice, if you'll improve Adware detection in yours engines (heuristic, cloud...). I see on many computers of begginers a lot of adware... Regards.
Browser Sandboxing
I think that in the next version, you can add new features that improve security. Virtualization browser (sandbox) is probably a good idea. What do you say?
Product feels very limited in information
I would like to se more information displayed on GUI and some kind activity indicator in task tray Thing I would like to see is more information about the following.. For the Automatic Update GUI..I dont just want to see the number of updates released I would like to se the total definition the user is currently protected…
web-addr/ip-addr bypass vpn option to Total & Vpn
Add web-addr/ip-address bypass vpn option to Total & Vpn to platform where possible
Add an enhanced firewall
Hello, I am a new user of F-Secure Total and I really like your security solution but I am surprised that F-Secure does not have a firewall integrated into your security suite, certainly the Windows firewall is sufficient if it is configure well but I think it would be preferable to have an improved firewall in F-Secure…
Warn user of unpatched 3rd Party applications
It would be great if F-Secure Total could warn the user of installed 3rd party applications that are not updated to the latest version. Or even update the most common ones.
Make progress of a scheduled scan visible.
At the moment there sees to be no way of viewing the progress of a scheduled scan, as opposed to a manual scan. This would be useful, so that a user can decide whether or not to switch off a machine which is currently scanning. I have just switched over from using Kaspersky and I found this feature very useful.
Allowing Freedome to work with Android TV - Android 7.0
e.g Freedome to work with 'NVIDIA SHIELD TV Pro 500 GB Home Media Server' or simlimar, which runs on Android 7.0, but I cant seem to get Freedome onto the device. As it dosnt appear in the Play Store, I have been infomred that this is a custom Android version that is not currently supported.
F-Secure Key Mass Feature Request
Hi Team, Hi fellow users, I'm a new Key premium user who just moved from LastPass premium (due to security/privacy reasons) and using Freedome for 2 years and I was also included in beta program. I added feature requests and gave responses about the beta product. Feature request list 1) 2FA authentication (Google…
Feature request: VPN Kill Switch
Please consider implementing an option to enable a VPN Kill Switch for Freedome on OS X. (no connections allowed when VPN is not connected.)
awesome app but absolutely hate all the intrusive ads everywhere can you guys make Fsecure Safe ad free please and thanks :) :)
Option to upgrade Internet Security to F-Secure Safe.
Hi, I just bought a Internet Security license for 2 years and 3 PCs. Unfortunately there is no way to upgrade current licenses to F-Secure Safe for less money. Either I have to wait until my current license runs out or buy an extra key for F-Secure Safe. Please add an option to upgrade licenses. Regards.
Option to exclude files or apps from scanning
Hi, it would be great if there would be an option to exclude files or apps from scanning if some maybe malicious is found in the Mobile Security.At the moment there is only the option to deinstall the files/apps.
More informations in "Statistics"
Hello, I think that Statistics window give too few informations about cleaned files or denied applications. I see how many files were cleaned or denied but i can't see WHICH. Here is a image that can clearer show my suggestion So i want to know WHICH files were cleaned and WHEN.
Improve Deepguard security for unknown applications
When you're trying out a non-common or unknown software and it tries to connect to internet, Deepguard forces you to allow and trust it in order to keep using it. So if you want to continue using it you're indirectly forced to allow its connections. However, as long as the unknown software doesn't try to make internet…
F-Secure Rescue CD need update version
F-Secure, You guys need to release a newer version of F-Secure Rescue CD. This is because of the newer UEFI secure boot bios on Windows 8. The latest linux distro kernel and UEFi secure boot support on Windows 8. The current version deem outdated. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Extensible_Firmware_Interface Linux…
F-Secure icon/tag in all Windows and in the Action Centre.
A number of pop up Windows and the Action Centre just have the Computer Security tag. Since many fake/rogue AVs have the characteristic of not labelling their window pop ups can we not have the F-Secure name in ALL relevant places-context menu/pop up windows/Security Centre. I have used many AVs and ALL of them have their…
Automatic scan of USB pendrives
A decade ago malware spread through floppy and cd. Now the have new medium which USB pendrive. Pendrive gets connected to many computer thus getting infected and further spreading the malware to more computers. So ability to automatically scan USB pendrive would be very good feature to add in F secure.
Application Control
As far as my understanding goes: * Application control was removed * Replacement with Windows Firewall where one can set port blocking rules * Deep Guard taking over the part of application level control * Deep Guard will only monitor the part of applications that could be a risk What I am missing now: * Put the user back…
Suggestion : Browser addon for x64 browsers
Newer versions of some security solutions I've also tried (Bitdefender, Avast and -I think it was- Kaspersky) have their browser addon also available for x64 Internet Explorer. Since I'm mostly using IE 9 x64 for browsing, any chance F-secure will release x64 compatible browser addons?
can you please make the F-Secure TOTAL work on android tv thank you
please becouse is for what i bought the vpn….thanks
F-Secure TOTAL VPN quick settings
Hello, I suggest to add new right click item to F-Secure TOTAL notification icon to control VPN. Suggested functionality would be so that when you right click the F-Secure icon in taskbar notification area, you could see if VPN is active, you could activate or disable it and you could change the virtual location. At the…
"Schedule scan" UI that should be reported proactively.
As many people have suggested here, the scheduled scan UI is expected to provide additional convenience. In my opinion, for users who have migrated to F-Secure from other security software, a scheduled scan that only declares it to start seems unfriendly. At least, I found it confusing. Also, if you turn off your PC during…
Add a button to switch off a machine when a scheduled scan has finished
Following on from my previous suggestion (and with the same comment about Kaspersky), if there were a button which switched off a machine when it has finished a scheduled scan, there would be less reason to provide a progress indication. This button should be available in real time, so that if a user is still working…
😶Please add firewall in F-Secure Safe you provide the best protection but to block heavy instrutions,Online Threats and other You need to provide users a Robust Firewall like your Robust Protection Or else users will get attracted to other AV progams giving good protection with firewall.So please develop a Robust Firewall…
Bring back the manual 'Game Mode' feature. Why do you keep REMOVING valuable features from F-Secure?
As of F-Secure Safe Version 18.1 (October 2021), you have REMOVED the very valuable ability for your customers to manually turn 'Game Mode' On or Off. Now the process is entirely "automated', with NO way for customer to start or stop Game Mode. This is undesirable, non-sensical, and quite troublesome. I've yet to see an…
Delete/Quarantine infected Archives
I would like to be able to delete/quarantine infected archives. The Settings suggest that they should be quarantined but F Secure said "No we don't touch" archives due to alot of strange reasond
Quarantine cleaning
Now it is very inconvenient and long to delete files from quarantine one at a time. In this regard, I propose developers to create the ability for the user to immediately mark all quarantined files so that it is immediately and completely clear or add the "Delete / Clear All" button in quarantine.