New features to family rules
I changed from Eset product to f-secure and I am a bit disappointed to family rules. It is missing some important features. -Set time limits for each day. Not only weekdays or weekend. I want to be able to set longer screen time for friday to sunday. -Vacation time. I want to be able to set screen time limits off for…
Support of WireGuard protocol in Freedome
Add support of WireGuard protocol in Freedome(all possible platforms)
Touch ID for MacOS desktop version of F-Secure Key?
Could you please implement Touch ID to unlock F-Secure Key on the MacOS desktop version?
Exclusion/ignore list for Mobile Security
Hello there! If possible in future updates, it would be much appreciated if the mobile security also had an exclusion/ignore list for files and / or folders on our Android phones. There are some sideloaded apks that keep giving me security alerts but that I know are clean. I just wanted a way to say "OK, I know. You can…
multiple entry delete
Key should have option to delete multiple entries at one time or all at once. As import cannot handle historical entries from other software exports now I have more than 950 entries in my password list. About 400 of them are old versions and I cannot know which ones. And cannot delete entries other than one by one.…
Folder system for passwords
I'd like to kindly suggest the implementation of a folder system within the F-Secure Key product (for instance: email, banking, business, ...). It should allow the grouping of passwords in collapsible folders (like with LastPass) with editable title. The problem it would solve is the ease of organisation for those who need…
SSLVPN over tcp port 443
For Users of your Service which are in firewalled networks (like myself - I'm the admin of these networks an managing the firewalls) it is not possible to build up IPSec tunnels. Protocols or ports like GRE, 500udp are generally blocked. A way to bypass this, which would be helpful for these users, is an sslvpn/openvpn to…
Password sharing via KEY
I would like to be able to share some passwords with other users, be it family, teammates etc. Password sharing could work for a single password, but also in groups (if you ever add this feature to group passwords).
Autofill forms with KEY
I would like to be able to log in to various services with KEY faster when KEY could autofill login and password forms. For example like LastPass does, without the need to click on a form or using keyboard shortcuts.
Turn off incessant (every 20 seconds!) popup for subscription renewal
I know you want to warn us that our subscription is about to expire, but why do you believe it necessary to have such an annoying, incessant reminder..every 20 SECONDS...seriously??? that level of badgering is making me think about buying another provider's services. We don't like being hassled into purchasing.... we buy…
F-Secure Key: Password history
Please implement automated versioning and history for passwords. It is too easy now to accidentally change a password as it is, and there is no way to revert or look back what the previous password was.
Possibility to configure Freedome VPN connection on unsupported devices
I have this idea, which I think would be useful in this world of many different OSes: I suggest that you would make it possible to, for example, configure the VPN connection on Windows Phone. Windows Phone has the possibility to configure VPN profiles at the settings, and so do many other OSes that are not supported by…
New deeper clean.
Just a thought, you should "teach" at least some of your programs to recognize those nasty browser infecting bloatwares. I'm talking about Astromenda which was a pain in the a** yesterday. It was easy to remove manually but some kind of one-button resolution would of course be nice. As in e.g. SpyHunter 4
Game Mode Icon
Can you make the icon change in the bottom taskbar so I know when Game Mode is active.? Sometimes I forget to change it back after playing a game. Internet Security 2014/Windows 7
scheduled scan
A pop up appears to advise a scan is starting similar would be appreciated to let know when scan is complete
Advanced Online Scanner
Greetings, I just agree with this guy here. It should have: The choice of a scan option, The choice of what to do with an "infected" file, the option to clean or send the files to F-Secure.
For KEY - make it possible to paste in URLs, emails and passwords from other sources
It would be convenient if KEY allowed us to paste in text from other sources. Thank you! Gary
Scheduled scanning should not be dependent on manual scanning setting
While doing setting of "scheduled scanning" I came to know that it depends on "manual scanning" setting to tell which types of files to scan. Also the exclusion list is taken from "manual scanning". Same exclusion list is used for both manual and scheduled scanning. Suppose I don't want to schedule scan D: drive. So I…
More options in manual scan settings
In "Manual scan" setting there is only one action provided for "when virus or spyware is found". Suppose if I set it to "Clean the files" then in that case if f-secure is unable to clean a infected file then there is no second option provided that can be followed. It would be better if a second option is provided. So if…
Launch Pad's F-Secure button
Greetings, I've got few ideas about F-Secure's button in the launch pad, one idea is to make it display(when the mouse is over it) full URL address(so consumers know, that if they'll press that button, they'll get to f-secure.com) Another thing what I think is, that pressing it will deliever user…
New DeepGuard - a little bit more details, please :)
Hi, In the new DeepGuard (F-Secure 2013) is a little informations about blocked file. For example: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/07/22/untitledurugheruig.PNG Only Reputation and popularity. Can you add more informations in Details, for example why a file is blocked? In DeepGuard 4 (F-Secure 2012) i remember was more…
Users on PREPAID cellular internet connections
F-secure 2012 doesn't work for me as a frequent user of PREPAID cellular internet connections. Details can be found here: F-secure 2012 - On PREPAID Internet connection - Automatic Updates can't be turned off I strongly suggest to re-invoke the 2011 implementation for "automatic updates", A simple manual control to turn…
Ideas & Suggestions for Anti-Theft.
A few days back, I had to lock my cellphone remotely as it was taken by someone. F-Secure Anti-Theft worked great and a few more ideas struck in my mind that can be implemented in the next version: 1. Remotely Change profile. I wanted to change from General to Meeting mode so that the person couldn't hear any incoming…
ideas & Suggestions for Anti-Theft.
A few days back, I had to lock my cellphone remotely as it was taken by someone. F-Secure Anti-Theft worked great and a few more ideas struck in my mind that can be implemented in the next version: 1. Remotely Change profile. I wanted to change from General to Meeting mode so that the person couldn't hear any incoming…
Enhanced launch pad and add the ability to delete files that are in the archives antivirus engine.
Enhanced Launch pad and add the ability to delete files that are in the archives antivirus engine. 1 " I would like to make it more options in the launch pad. It should be added. I'll give examples. Computer Security: - turn off antivirus and antispyware a) turn off completely (turns on automatically when the computer new…
Improved Interface
Why so far in the F-Secure does not have the "Repair All"? This is useful when, for example, we want to quickly enable or upgrade old security signature database I think also that's a good idea would be possible to switch off protection from the context menu. This is not a difficult thing to do, and would really benefit…
Exclude SMB (or other services) from the VPN
Because I need to access externally via SMB, I cannot do this while F-Secure VPN is on. Unfortunately, I can't just exclude it like that. Therefore, it would be cool if you could exclude ports or domains from the VPN, or alternatively, instead of "exclude apps", you could set it to "only these apps", as I only need this…
Product update delay feature
A feature(setting option) where the customer receives a notification and release information about the upcoming product update and can delay its installation on their device(s) if they wish.Dynamic engine/database and security cloud services remain untouched
File shredder
Hi I think f-secure total should have an addition of integrated file shredder in future versions . F-secure licenses are pricier than some and I think a total security suite isn’t complete without one as I still use it.
ARM Support
Currently Freedome cannot be run on Snapdragon based laptops as ARM processors are not supported. Having a VPN working for business users is very important. Please implement a support for Windows for ARM.