Add an enhanced firewall

Hello, I am a new user of F-Secure Total and I really like your security solution but I am surprised that F-Secure does not have a firewall integrated into your security suite, certainly the Windows firewall is sufficient if it is configure well but I think it would be preferable to have an improved firewall in F-Secure Total with an option to know if someone is searching the computer ports in order to know if there is an intrusion taking place ! I play unofficial server games and there are a lot of Hackers and I fear for my safety!

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  • DuDo
    DuDo Posts: 1 Observer

    I have bought F Secure for myself and several family members.

    I also very much wish to see a reintroduction of a seperate Firewall function.

    Windows Firewall has HORRIBLE user friendliness and lackluster functionality.

    Windows Firewall does not police in/out of software based on changed bevhaviour or deviation of protocols/data usage behaviour. As a program you are either "in" or "not". And after that it's up to you to sniff something out(or install other 3rd Party applications.

    This is the BIGGEST problem of relying on this feature of the OS.

    I strongly suggest reintroducing such a function as it also is something that many potential customers are looking for.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    does not police in/out of software based on changed bevhaviour or deviation of protocols/data usage behaviour. As a program you are either "in" or "not".

    is there any software (which is firewall-solution type) that does this as part of a solution for home users?

    I could only think (remember from what I knew) about:

    — partially using hardware for implementation,

    — and solutions that do not necessarily have to be part of the firewall (such as, to implement this, it is not necessary to stop using/relying on using Windows Firewall in the case of F-Secure current design).

    I also very much wish to see a reintroduction of a seperate Firewall function.

    I strongly suggest reintroducing such a function as it also is something that many potential customers are looking for.

    // I am not sure that mentioned (good) examples in your comment were covered by the old 'own' Firewall function in F-Secure solutions. And it's not entirely clear to me whether they will be if F-Secure returns to using a third-party firewall (as opposed to relying on the built-in Windows Firewall).

    it may be worth requesting such functionality or even such things as a kind of unrelated feature request (and not as part of "using" an advanced firewall with a vague definition or just not relying on / using the capabilities built into the system). maybe the developers would find a way to satisfy them in some other way.

  • JOnes
    JOnes Posts: 847 Forum Guru

    Well, at least for now(12/2024), F-Secure's enhanced and separate user friendly firewall for consumer products is not the most important development target and feature , but the allmost non-functional VPN feature should be fixed asap,After that this discussion could be more current..