Feature request: VPN Kill Switch

Please consider implementing an option to enable a VPN Kill Switch for Freedome on OS X.
(no connections allowed when VPN is not connected.)
hey david whats the update on the kill switch feature, as i also believe its an absolute MUST. because simply getting disconnected from the Internet and your computer reveals your IP, location,website.. i will be keeping an eye on this feature as i wont be satisfied with freedom VPN until its implemented.
Please add auto cutoff switch to all internet connectivity if the Freedome protected connection should drop. I have lost my Freedome protected connection numerous times without knowing and then all of my traffic becomes fully exposed to my ISP. In the USA ISP's are now allowed not only to log every IP address you connect to but now are allowed to sell this personal information for profit to 3rd parties. I'm sure everyone using Freedome VPN is doing so to assure their traffic is private and encrypted and do not wish to have their ISP's collect their private information. This feature is offered by some other VPN providers but most are more difficult to set up and use. This would help move Freedome towards the top of the pack.