Product feels very limited in information

I would like to se more information displayed on GUI and some kind activity indicator in task tray
Thing I would like to see is more information about the following..
For the Automatic Update GUI..I dont just want to see the number of updates released
I would like to se the total definition the user is currently protected aginst
For now the only way to see this is looking in the aquarius folder and open Update.txt
For the Antivirus GUI..I would like to se more information about recently scanned files
Driver/Folder path not just the total amount scanned files
It Would be nice to have a activity indicator in F-secures tray
One other thing I would like F-secure to add is a Pause button when scanning the PC
Hi Danne,
Thanks for your feedback. Since nowadays more and more protection is provided based on cloud based protection, the virus definition update frequency is not as important as it used to be. Our design principle is to keep the user interface as clear and simple as possible. For that reason we have only one date on the database version is screen to inform the user when the definition was last time updated.